One month old and sleeping

edited September 2011 in Ages & Stages
How much does your one month old sleep? I feel like my daughter sleeps a tad bit too much. During the day I try to keep her awake longer but she's typically up during all her feedings, bath time, and a little here and there.


  • Lilly is 6weeks old and she sleeps a lot too lol..but less now then 2 weeks ago. When she was 1 month old she slept almost all the time. She woke up for diaper time, food time and bath time but other then that she snoozed away. There are different stages of sleep for them tho so even if there asleep it might be active sleep, so there still pretty aware of what's going on around them but there eyes are closed lol! Hope this helps but it sounds like your babys just sleepy. Take advantage and get some rest momma!
  • Jace is 9 weeks now and slept so much during the day for the first 5 weeks and then at 6 weeks he put himself on such a great schedule.. He goes to bed at 830 and sleeps straight thru til 730, 11 hours at night, he is awake for a couple hours and then morning nap.. His evening nap is 430 til 7, then bedtime again. He is such a good boy!!
  • Take advance of it. My daughter is 4 months, and only has 3 naps a day, 15 mns each MAX. And its been like this almost from day one!!
  • Mine doesnt take long naps during the day. But since she was 3 weeks she.started sleeping 8 hpurs at night. And last night she slept 12 hours and shes almost 4 months
  • Dylan is 4 weeks today and sleeps more soundly during the day! The longest he's been awake at once was like 4-5 hours which surprised me, its still normal for them to sleep alot tho..(as I'm sitting here with my sleeping baby boy in my arms!) :D
  • @proudmommy8789 see my darling won't sleep through the night though. She wakes up for feedings. :( I'm patiently waiting for the day I get non stop sleep.
    @natashalynn wow only 15 minutes! Crazy
  • my baby is 3 weeks and i change her sleeping pattern i woke her up during the day and now she sleeps at night i feed her last like between 12 and 1am and she wakes up till like 4 then 7,8 or 9 but she isnt awake all night anymore do u breastfeed?
  • @waitingformybaby no she is formula fed. She sleeps at night too. I put her to bed after her 7-8 feeding. Then she wakes up to eat at 11-12, 4, then by 8 she's awake for the day. She just sleeps a lot during the day as well.
  • shell start staying up for longer periods.. soon .. enjoy the sleepy time.. there brain is growing alot right now
  • yea mine does too i have to wake her up to feed her and keep her awake so she sleeps thru the night
  • So to get my baby to sleep longer periods during the night do I just need to try and keep him awake as much as possible through the day?
  • We're having nighttime sleep "issues" basically getting him to go to sleep on his own and *not* being held while sleeping. We put him in the swing last night awake at 9 after eating asleep by 930 and we accidentally woke him up at 1130 and he was asleep (in the swing) by 1230 and slept til 5! It was wonderful getting those extra uninterrupted hours in (I went to sleep while daddy had baby). Dillon's 6 weeks old...and he naps for long periods of time during the day. He's now sleeping and has been for 3 hours.
  • I find it impossible to wake my daughter up during the day. when she wants to sleep she sleeps no matter what i do!
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