Is decrease in fetal movement a sign of labor?

edited September 2011 in Third Trimester
My baby girl has been unusually less active for the last 2 days she's usually very active I've tried drinking something cold eating everything really then I lay on my side & I get little jabs here & a roll or 2 but that's it.... I've read that it could be because baby is low in the pelvic area but she's been low & I still felt her before so any advice????


  • I don't know but would like to.
  • Bump I'm due Monday n wna know coz same thing is going on with me
  • I've heard babys can quiet down just before they are about to be born! Make sure she is still making enough movements though, otherwise talk to your doc!
  • Yeah its a sign at least for my docs and l&d it was. Thats one of the questions they asked when I was in labor on way to hospital.
  • Yea I haven't really felt a lot of movement except for when I lay down on my side but that still takes awhile
  • No! Decrease in movement is not good. They have no room in there so you should definitely feel him/her every movement. Call your doctor
  • Movements do decrease before labor but yuu should still be feeling atleast 10 movements a day :)
  • Decreased fetal movement is a sign that labor may be on it's way; however, if you are concerened in any way I would still contact your doc as they may want to do an NST just to make sure the baby is ok.
  • @babymomma30 it's actually the other way around...there is less room for them to do major kicks and punches, so towards the the end it is common to feel less movement in that way. You will feel big turns and rolls, but less punches and kicks.
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