breastfeeding and weed

edited October 2011 in Breastfeeding
anyone breastfeeding and smoke? or know someone who has?


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  • No but I wouldnt advise it... Maybe Google it to see what would be possibly getting passed to bubs
  • I kno a lady that smoke cigarettes and weed all thru her pregnancies, she has 7kids and one on the way.
  • Probably not wise
  • No, I dont think it would be good though.
  • pump n dump?
  • I personally don't think it is a good idea, much like drinking alcohol while bf. If your talking about regular cigarettes then I believe as long as you make sure you change clothes after smoking (or atleast the outer layer) and wash your hands/exposed skin and don't smoke around baby it MIGHT be okay, but I wouldn't advise it and definitely talk to your doctor about it. Side note : the smoke might make your milk taste funny to baby and s/he might not nurse anymore.

    You can as long as you take alot of precautions (pump and dump, waiting to sober up, ect.) that may be okay but why risk it.

    If your talking about weed please remember Unlike alcohol weed stays in your blood stream and could also (I'm not a doctor so I'll just say Could Not Will) stay in your breast milk long after you "sober up".

  • edited October 2011
    @mumma_2_be Awww, that's awful:-(
    If u smoke cigarettes and breastfeed there will be nicotine given to ur baby
  • Why don't you ask your doc or lactation consultant what they think?

    IMO, not a wise choice and I'm not sure how long TSH stays in your system before it is metabolized, so I'm not sure about pumping and dumping. Anything that has intoxicating effects will have those same effects on the baby. If you were going out and had someone watch the baby then do as you please, but if you will be caring for the child then I'd say it would be parenting while intoxicated. If you want to smoke, why not just formula feed and smoke when the baby is not in your care.
  • Nicotine can be passed through breastmilk, I can only imagine THC and anything else that might be mixed in could be passed to the baby. Also, if anyone suspected you were doing this, children's services could become involved and if your baby tested positive, I can only imagine there will be consequences up to and including loss of custody and jail time. I would recommend not smoking and breastfeeding your child. You have an obligation to the safety of your baby and honestly, even caring for your child while high is irresponsible.
  • Ah more people being anti marijuana.
    My Dr told me that very little passes thru into your milk. Of course, it does depend on how much you have but waiting a few hours to breastfeed will usually give it a chance to leave your system. I'd just advise not to be the sole provider for your child at the time. Just in case.
  • It doesn't leave ur system in a few hours.
  • Weed can stay in yuur system for days/weeks, it definatley doesnt leave yuur system in a few hours.
  • I'm not anti mari j by any means, I used to smoke regularly before I got my job a few yrs back (they random test), but I wouldn't smoke n breast feed. I also know a lady who smokes and chooses not to breast feed primarily because she smokes. Thc stays in your system a minimum of 2 weeks, maybe more depending on your motabolism and how much you smoke. Also, my husband's ex's ex bd took one of her baby's poopy diapers to get tested and it was positive for Thc. She was smoking while bfing. So, yes, thc will pass to baby from breast milk.
  • The thc does pass to the baby but I know personally it wont do anything, ihave 2 girls I did so with the first one she now is 17 months, puts on her ownshoes opens the dang door and gate, she knows many many words. Her pediatricians says shes way ahead of her age group. But I advice if you plan on doung so dont let the baby feeds till 30 minutes toan hour later because youcan fall asleep doing so or the sensation from breastfeeding might get to strong. Also it lowers your milk supply. I have stopped smoking tho as well as breastfeeding bwcause I always Felt like I wasn't making enough and I started to work so I quit. It also makes your baby sleepy as well and as you get the munchies so will your baby If you plan on breastfeeding while you smoke
  • my sister did it and her daughter is really smart.. not saying its ok.. its a choice.. i did research on it and well theres not enough proof either way to say its bad or good..but it is motabolised in the blood so im assuming that small traces will find its way to your milk .. if you did.. dont worry bout it.. but i wouldnt smoke massive amounts of weed.. lol.. it cant be good..
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  • i wish there was research on it but yea i googled it and it says if you smoke it will show up in the baby. dont worry though, i was just curious, the second i got my BFP i quit everything (ok i smoked one last cig and let it sink in im going to be a mama). i guess everyone once in a while i like to research it or ask someone but it will never be worth it over my girl, i never knew what this mothers love could be like, well babys calling to eat! lol, and ladies thank you for your responses, mostly i just skimmed through them now il get back later to read them, me n babys just woke up.
  • @MarinesAngel i totally agree with you. i dont want to offend anyone but i think its bull making excuses for why ppl need cigs or weed. i smoked cigs like no ones business a pack and a half a day and thought i could never quit but i did it bc i couldnt imagine making that choice for my daughter. and she better never smoke damnit lol. and my advice to anyone trying would be just quit the second you get the BFP bc knowing your doing it for your baby will help so much!
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  • I've looked into studies of both women who breastfeed and are pregnant and smoke weed, In all the studies there were no side effects to the baby at all, even in studies that followed the baby through to adulthood. I'm not planning to but I would not see it as a risk at all if I wanted to.
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  • I wasnt saying to smoke or not I was letting her know what happened with me. And I did metion the downsides that affected me. But all I know is my daughter is super smart. Whereas my 2 lnd is going a bit slower. And ididnt smoke anything with her.
  • @2beforgotten this is one of the studies. It actually said it was beneficial, but I'd rather leave it at being more harmless.
  • If it has you thinking about and concerned that it might not be safe, it probably means don't do it...if you're smart enough to realize it might be an issue then you're smart enough to not risk it while breastfeeding...
  • Just so we are clear, there are places, several actually, where medicinal marijuana is legal! We don't hear about an abundunce of birth defects, retardation, and so on in, let's say Amsterdam, do we? No. Also there must be an understanding that weed can be introduced to the body other than smoking (the unhealthy action involved in ingesting weed), such as eating or vaporizing...Many, many studies have been conducted on the different aspects of weed and the effects it has on people, all ages. There has not been one study that shows THC has caused horrendous effects on anybody. Many like to insert their opinions, instead of sticking to the medical research. Quite frankly, the MAN-MADE prescription drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, etc., are clearly more dangerous (clearly meaning common sense wise as well as scientic research) than a plant that grows natually in this world. Now, I'm not going to sit and argue on and on about the rights and wrongs of marijuana, but IN MY OPINION, this earth was graced with something quite special...not only in terms of human consumption for several reasons, but in many other areas as well...including a replacement for fuel (WHICH WOULD BE HUGE) its uses for making clothing, jewelry, lotions, makeup, all the material things us ladies love, as well as for a bevy of other things. The government has had control of marijuana for a looooong time, and quite intentionally attempts to scare people with ridiculous claims...if only the realization of legalizing and the power the goverment would have by placing a tax on it would not only make the world a happier, chilled out place...but might also help us to get out of the huge hole of debt the USA has dug for itself. Now to sum up, I know I didn't argue one way or another about pregnancy and/or breastfeeding and the ingestion of marijuana...but it is a matter of opinion, and an individual's choice.
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