date night went well..not

edited October 2011 in Relationships
So..I bought the new transformers movie for shaun and he suggested we watch it and get dinner. Lilly needed to eat so we paused it so I could feed her. I guess it was too much to ask for him to wait for me. He ate dinner without me :( then I was tired so I asked him to come to bed with me (I'm the only one who. Gets up with Lilly since he sleeps thr her crying and insists he hears her anyway) and he says no I want to see this we ate seperately, I still havent the movie but he did. Hope he had a good date with himself..jerk


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  • edited October 2011
    Awww Hun I'm sorry I hope he realizes u need his attention too. :( my hubby got a little to comfy lately and I cried and told him he should just leave me and he said he was so sorry and he just got to comfy and he said if it happens again to tell him he has been amazing ever since. :) talk to him met him know u need him to care about u just as much as he did while u were preggo
  • That's sucks! Throw the DVD out the house next time LOL!!!
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