has anyone found out the sex at 15wks and it change?

I had an u/s at 15wks and there werent any "boy parts" at all..the u/s tech said they can still develope before 20wks but has this happened to any1 else?this will be my 3rd child i lost my 1st baby which was a girl and i have a healthy lil boy so im hoping for a girl now :) just dont wana get my hopes up to much.i find out for sure on march1st so less than a week! Im just nervously waiting even tho i will be happy either way!!


  • My third child the U/S tech told me it was a boy @19wks. I said I already had 2 girls, it looked like my daughters did. She told me she had done ultrasounds for 17yrs, she knew what she was talking about. Guess what? I gave birth to a GIRL. She's almost 6yrs old, I have had this urge to go get in that techs face telling her she obviously shouldn't gamble on her cockiness, she lost! Now I have 4 beautiful daughters, am 15wks with my 5th child, we should find out in about 3wks what this one is. Keep us updated!
  • When I scheduled my ultrasound this pregnancy they refused to let me have it before 20 weeks because they said the development itsnt complete until then at least. The tech also said she was not allowed to say "positive" or "100%" so I would say at 15 weeks, it may not be accurate
  • Thanks..thats what i was thinking im just really hoping it could be a girl i know with my son i was 20wks and i cant really remember with my daughter bc her whole pregnancy was sad there was always something going on...i go in tuesday so i will be back to update!! (SO Excited!!!) Congrats to all you mommys :)
  • My good friend was told boy...and then when she was 7 months along they told her it was actually a girl!!! lol
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