
edited October 2011 in Health
what is the difference between bloody show and mucous plug?


  • Not sure about the bloody show..but my mucous plug looked like strawberry mixed with grape jelly...lol
  • and mine plug came out in pieces..not all at once
  • I had blood on my toliet paper a few days ago. Call on call nurse and they said it normal dont worry she didnt really go into detail about it and I was just relieved it wasnt something bad! so now I want to know is that what is considered a bloody show?n thanks for the BUMP @mam2be11_4_11
  • lol wow !!! I dont think I can ever eat jelly again thanks lol jk! so you never had a bloody show @ashley_smashley
  • Bump. I wanna know
  • @mybabe mine was sorta like a snot with blood in it.
  • lol i gues no one knows :-S
  • your bloody show or mucous plug ? or are they the same? @chanel22
  • I think (and this is just what I've gathered from reading different pregly posts) that they are the same thing.. EXCEPT the only thing I can gather the difference is some people have blood mixed with their mucus plug. So the mucus plug is just a booger looking thing and the blood show is a booger looking thing with some blood mixed with it. Neither is bad.
  • Bloody show and after I lost it I haf to wear a pantyliner cause it was like this pastey blood substance.@mybabe
  • ok thanks @chanel22 did you have to wear the pantyliner just for the day or for a couple of days? @1stwoodsbaby see I was thinking they were different because preglys say they had their plug grow back and the never mention the blood show maybe once if that. I know I sound confusing probably because I am confusing myself and havent really got the whole understanding down yet lol! How are you doing I read your hubbies post is everything okay with you and baby now?
  • @mybabe @1stwoodsbaby is right :) mucus plug is the boogery stuff n the bloody show is when there is blood mixed in it.
  • @Mybabe I think the mucus plug can grow back, but once you lose it with the blood (bloody show) you usually go into labor not too long after that. I maybe confusing you even more since I'm just saying what I think I know from what I've read. I could totally be wrong. lol. I'm doing good. No contractions/BH, nothing since Monday night.. I've walked and walked and walked trying to get contractions back up but nothing. I go Monday for my next appointment, doctor said last week if there is change he will talk induction dates. I can't go full term due to gestational diabetes.. so I'm hoping the walking has atleast helped with dilation some. Thank you for asking!
  • @brttnywstn14 I'm right?! YAY!! Thank you for clearing it up for us!! :-D
  • @1stwoodsbaby no problem :) everything your saying is completely right!
  • yes thank you @brttnywstn14 you have put our minds at ease lol !!! @1stwoodsbaby well I wish you the best of luck hopefully walking and some stairs will get you dilated. Your good though you will be induced either way my dr doesnt believe in inducing for some reason so I will be suffering if it gets bad lol !!!
  • @Mybabe thank you. Your doctor doesn't believe in inducing? Oh wow. Like even if you go past 40 weeks he (or she) won't induce? Wow.. that stinks. I hope you don't go past due date!
  • yeah she will induce if you go over 42 weeks I think she said. It really doesnt bother me I love being pregnant I love feeling the movement and thankfully I am not too uncomfortable so her not inducing isnt to bad right now. My story may change as I get closer lol!!! @1stwoodsbaby
  • How much longer do you have until due date? Thats good you are so comfortable being pregnant.. makes it a lot easier to wait it out. I, on the other hand, would freak if I had to wait until 42 weeks. I've had like something go wrong at every doctors appt. I'm so ready to be unpregnant. Thats great you enjoy it though.
  • @mybabe I had to wear it for a couple of days.
  • @1stwoodsbaby im 34 weeks I havent had the easiest time being pregnant either between 1st & 2nd trimester I was in the hospital 5 times. but I am learning to embrace all the things that come along with motherhood I figured learning to embrace would be a good start for me because I have a tendency to push things away rush through things and pay little attention so the pregnancy is my way of teaching myself! sorry so long I tend to ramble lol
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