should we tell him...

edited October 2011 in Third Trimester
So bfs step dad gave us an old beer sign that was sitting in his garage collecting dust. He bought it at an estate sale for $3. Well I just sold it for $150. We're using the money to buy baby Livy a car seat. But I don't know if we should tell him we sold it and made $150 off of it. I don't know if he would be happy for us and enjoy that he helped out with baby stuff or be upset bc he gave it to us and it was worth that much and we didn't give him a cut. What would u do?


  • I wouldn't say anything unless he asks about it.
  • I wouldn't say anything. People get really funny when things involve money.
  • If you tell him say a lesser price so if you guys feel bad you could give him like 20$ or so. I wouldn't tell specially since its going to such a beautiful cause
  • Don't ask, don't tell. That's my motto with things like that.
  • Thank you ladies! That's the way I was leaning too. Money is a touchy subject so I want to avoid any confrontations.
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