*update* pressure and pain down there...help!

edited October 2011 in Third Trimester
Ok, so I've been having rectal and vaginal pressure for a couple weeks now, but its getting worse...like its going to rip open down there. I also have been.having very intense BH's that stop me in my tracks, and my groin and hips hurt so bad...I feel like I've been horseback riding for days. its starting to worry me.

Anyone else? Anyone know what this means? I'm 36+0 with baby #2. I never had this with #1. Have an OB appt in the morning.


  • Same here.. *bump*
  • I'm 35 weeks tomorrow with baby #2. I actually called l&d about this today. They told me its normal ligament stretching. After your first baby, your ligaments are looser causing more pressure from the baby. They said a maternity support band will help a ton with it. I'm hoping my Dr will get me one Thursday...I found out they will order one if needed.
  • Same here... I'm 36 + 3
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  • edited October 2011
    @sands3 I sure hope its just ligament pain...I swear it feels like she's going to push herself out or she's just huge!

    @happiestmommietobe, @cynthiay, @sands3 well, maybe its normal if we all have it and we are all around the same week in pregnancy. I sure hope these last couple weeks hurry along for all of us! Hang in there ladies!

    @2beforgotten I am in so much pain and chasing a 19 month old around with the pain is getting pretty hard :( I'm not sure if I didn't have this with my first b/c she was transverse or if this is common with subsequent pregnancies. I am going to talk to my doc about it tomorrow. I just hope she can help me.
  • Yea. I have an appt Thursday so I'm going to talk to my Dr...just to make sure its nothing else. I was in so much pain today I was almost in tears. I couldn't even walk with my son like I always do and my neighbor had to come get him so I could just lay back for about an hour
  • Well this is my first so im glad I dnt have to chase babies being in sooo much pain lol but yeaa these next 4 weeks need to fly by!
  • You need to call your Dr cause that sounds like possible labor trying to start. With my second yes it was more painful pregnancy but I never got pressure in my rectum till she was coming. That's a big sign. I would definitely call and get checked to make sure it's not the baby in the canal.
  • @sands3 oh man, at least you were able to rest a little. Let me know what your doc says.
    @proudmomma I'm at my appt right now, she's going to check me, so I'll let you know what she says. I sure hope she's not engaged...I'm not ready yet :(
  • edited October 2011


    I had my 36 week appt this morning. My doc said that the pain and pressure is caused by a couple things.

    1. This is my second pregnancy and all of the ligaments and muscles are stretched out; which means there is less support down there for the weight of the baby.
    2. I'm carrying low this time.
    3. The baby has dropped, putting more pressure down there.
    4. She said its common to have pain with the babys movements.

    She also said I'm not dilated or effaced at all. The painful BH's are normal toward the end and will increase in frequency, intensity, and duration over the next couple weeks. If they are not sustained, regular, or timeable it is just BH's/false labor. As a side note, she's estimating baby to weigh about 6.5-7 lbs right now.

    So, I guess I just need to deal with the pain for the next couple weeks. I hope you all doing ok!
  • That's pretty much what the nurse on the phone told me. She said a maternity support belt will helps tons though.
  • I've been having the same problem I asked my doc today at my app. He checked me and said its the baby resting on the pelvic bones & ligament pain and also the fact the baby has started to drop a bit not anything to worry bout but he has started already and he said it could be before due date I'm 30 weeks today and measured 30 1/2
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