post partum depression/baby blues?

How do u know if the.crying and feelings ure feeling are the baby blues or post partum depression? I have been crying lately and sometimes just feel sad/upset/mad at everything... I havent told my husband. Idk if I.should. I'm lost....


  • After I had my daughter I felt the same way. It was from lack of sleep, I don't know how to tell the difference between the 2 but I know its normal. As long as you don't feel anything bad towards baby I think you'll be ok. I would talk to my husband about it because you may just need someone to vent/talk to.
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  • @ashleyfew from what I know pp psychosis is when a mother actually will harm her child. She can also suffer from hallucinations and hearing voices. Ppocd (post partum obsessive compulsive disorder) is where a mother has thoughts of harming her child multiple times a day but knows not to act on the thoughts. I suffered from this til I got on anti depressents and anxiety meds. Regular ppd is just feeling down, overwhelmed, anxious, at a loss like ur doing it alone. U can have bouts of crying all the time and feeling worthless. But to the op I agree if it lasts more than 2 weeks and seems to get worse day by day talk to ur Dr about medication to help. Zoloft is a medication u can also take while breastfeeding :) lemme know if u need to talk hun.
  • @kingsmama thank u :-) that was really helpful
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