first time mommy

edited February 2011 in First time moms
This will be my first child and I am not afraid because I know God will hold me through it all. But I don't feel pregnant. I took a test and it said positive but it still hasn't hit me that I'm going to be a mom. Does anyone else feel the same?


  • I did with my first n now with my 2nd it didn't feel like it until they were born is when it hit me
  • This is my first too and it hasn't sunk in completely. I figured I'd see my first ultrasound and that would be it...I think maybe when I start getting a baby bump it'll be more real!
  • This is my fourth and it wasn't real to me until just a couple of weeks ago. I'm 23 weeks now, and i started thinking about everything that we still needed to do before the baby comes. That's when it became real for me.
  • when i first learned i also had a hard time feeling pregnant even tho i had seen an ultrasound just a couple days later in er. Id say i began really feeling pregnant and accepting it around 21 or 22 weeks when i started getting a real bump (not just my fat lol u will know what i mean when u feel the difference) and it became really amazing n exciting when baby started kicking.
    don't feel like u are supposed to have more feelings right now
    I thought i was a bad Mom for not feeling preg and not feeling like a Mom to my little one.
    it'll hit u with plenty of time to spare
  • I felt the same way for a long time. I am 25wks and i am scared to get too excited still...i know it may be silly, but ive wanted to be a mommy for so long.
  • Being sick doesn't help it sink in, not even the us did, its everyone being excited and feeling excited once I felt better is it sinking in slowly, only 8w4d w first.
  • Thank you everyone I was starting to feel guilty. On top of that my husband wants to wait to tell people. He said after the first appt we can tell our families but that's not till march 15. I am actually really nervous to tell them because my.parents always thought I would be the one to finish school and get a great job before I had kids. I'm 2 yrs away from that though and we don't want to wait. I'm about to be 25 and he's about to be 29. He's doesn't want to be in his 30's when he has his first child lol.
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