worried about my 1wk old.

edited October 2011 in Babies Health
He constantly Wants to eat all the time and he screams when he doesn't get it. Idk if its because I bottle feed and breastfeed but he tends to over eat as well! Idk what to do!


  • Have you tried giving him a binki maybe he just wants to suck.
  • My daughter is the same way and she is 20 days
  • My son is like that at 4 weeks. They have me supplementing b/c he wasn't gaining weight so maybe he wasn't getting enough of my milk...he started gaining slowly so they told me not to give him as much formula but if I don't he's wanting to eat constantly! I'm still giving him 2 oz of formula after just about every feeding and its about 2-4 hrs in between, sometimes longer
  • @Aydonsmommy He won't take it I already tried!
  • Maybe its a growth spurt..? I'm a ftm so idk but if I would think if he's hungrey, he should eat lol. My 7 week old likes to eat a lot but sometimes I find if I just hold her. In her feeding position and offer a binkie, she's take it and suck herslf to sleep. She just wants to feel close to us, not nessisarly to eat. Maybe that's the case with your baby..? Good luck mama!
  • Try a different kind of binky. Sometimes it takes a few to find one that he likes. If you can find something more similar to his bottle nipple, it might help. Also, try other ways of soothing, like swaying, shushing, swaddling (google the 5 S's for ideas). If nothing still helps, call your ped. He may have acid reflux or something.
  • Thanks ladies*
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