Very conserned...

edited October 2011 in Pregnant
I just gave birth to my son on 9-8-11 ... me and my so had sex when my son was 3weeks..I know bad idea ..anyways it happened. Went to the doctor today to get on birth control and took a pee pregnancy test.. (faint positive )
Could this be from my hormones of just having a baby?? Or am I really pregnant? My so didn't even come close to getting off in me..that's why I'm confused :/ help..I go Wednesday to confirm w a blood test ..


  • I would think it's pretty unlikely you're pregnant least pregnant enough to read on a test already. But I don't know. I know you can get pregnant again right away, but it also does take awhile for the hormone that makes the test positive to leave your system, so I'm guessing you won't know for sure until the blood test. He doesn't have to actually come inside or on you to get you pregnant, there's sperm in pre-cum and it just takes one. Good luck!
  • @laura536 thanks hun...I'm so nervous idk how ill handle two babies.. :/
  • Someone else had the same thing happen and it turned out she wasn't pregnant, but I can't remember who it was! I googled it and it said that hcg from a full term pregnancy can give a positive test result for up to 6 weeks after delivery, so you're probably ok.
  • @laura536 I hope gosh I hope!! My son is 4weeks old n the nurse that took my test said that it probably wasn't from me having him...? That my hormones should be back to normal..I hope she's wrong.
  • I happened to me my baby was 4 months went to get my iud test came out positive really faint HB was pissed did the blood red and was the old hormones from the baby
  • Its was a false positive ladies :) thanks for your help!
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