probably a silly question lol

edited October 2011 in Babies
Can a new born sweat? She's 7 weeks today and sometimes her little forehead feels wet. I remember someone telling me they can't tho so I wanted to see. Thanks ladies :)


  • I have no idea. I figure they can if they get too hot.. bump***
  • Yes. Mine sweat for the first time when she was 4 weeks old.
  • That's good to know.. thanks!!
  • are you kidding.. of course.. they can sweat.. my first was a big he was born in nov.. so i bundled him all up like they say too and i couldnt figure out what all his fuss was about.. it was cause the poor guy was hot.. lol.. the whole back of his head and neck was sweaty.. i mean soaked it was nuts.. i didnt know they could sweat like that.. hes still a big sweat.. hes ten now.. well he will be in nov.. lol..
  • @lae3 I thought it was a stupid question but I had to ask lol! Someone told me there sweat glads aren't developed enough to cool them selves off and that's why its so important not to let them over heat. That makes no sence tho cause when she was in NICU they wouldn't let her be released unless she could regulate her own temp, which she did with no problem! Thanks for clearifying cause being a ftm, I hear so much 'advice' its hard to tell fact from fiction :) thankyou!
  • My son has always been a sleep sweater. Even as a newborn, he would sweat in his sleep. He's 7, and he sweats all over the place when he sleeps!
  • yeah i know.. how that is.. and some of it is just darn right.. weird.. lol.. i get it too.. and i know a good amount about babies im on my third lol.. but its not a stupid question cause its about your baby.. :-D
  • Yes my daughter sweats mostly in her car seat
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