bleeding and cramping

edited January 2011 in Pregnant
Lastnight, i found a tiny spec of light pink blood on my tissue and it really scared me, however after researching on sites like these and the internet i came to the soloutoion i was having a threatened miscarriage and things could still be ok. I went to the toilet several time after this and no bleeding was in site. However Today at around 4 i started bleeding again and ever since then it as got worse. I've been heavy bleeding, blood clots and bad cramping I phoned my doctor earlier and he says I'm suffering a miscarriage and if my symptoms worse I have to go to hospital as possible.


  • Oh no! I'm soo sorry to know that!! Good luck!
  • So sorry hun. Happened to me more than once. Find someone to help you in your greif, and know there are women everywhere who feel your pain. We don't know you, but we care.
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