when to stop working....

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 33 wks and 3 days and Im still working. I have one of those on your feet all day jobs. Im really tired and uncomfortable now after work and I give out of breath easily At what point should I stop working?


  • I think its a personal choice some women go to work until labor because they don't have any other choice for funds, try talking to your boss about it. If anything else they can give you a chair
  • I'm only 2-3 weeks but I'm a nurse land on my feet all the time too so I know how u feel maybe you could cut down to part time if you can afford it the Dr I work for is great so when I'm about 5 months we're going to hire some someone part time to help me then as I het further along I'm goin part time then new hire.will be full time time my baby is 2 1/2 months so maybe you can talk to ur boss for help
  • Yeah, just speak with your boss. Or maybe little Peyton is being a little pain. Lol, I've got a daughter named Peyton who will be three, my pregnancy with her was horrible.
  • My peyton was also a rough pregnancy and birth.... :)
  • It really does sound like a Peyton thing! She has truly put her momma through hell! Lol
  • Sounds like it to me!
  • I worked a 10 hour shift the day I went into labor (39 weeks 5 days) its all up to you, if you are too uncomfortable and there is no accommodation for you maybe its time for you to take your leave. You have to do what's right for you and your health. At some point, enough is enough ;)
  • If I could have stopped working the day I peed on that stick I would have!
  • Just a warning.....time is going to slow down tremendously once you do quit working......that was one of my reasons to continue working.
  • I plan on working until I can no longer fit behind my chair or up to the shampoo bowl
  • I'm also a nurse and 24 weeks+ 3 days. I plan to work my 12 hr night shifts until I can't handle it and then maybe cut down to 8 if I need to. Some people I work with kind of sneered at me when I said I want to work til the end because if I go into labor while working, it could screw over my coworkers or I could just leave one day and they would be shortstaffed all week. Ugh, its crazy. I still have to talk to my manager about it.
  • When you're ready and can't take it anymore. I'm going to try to work up til I POP just so I can stay at home with my baby a little longer. But I have it easy since I work for my in laws but love don't pay the bills.
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