Any Wiccan mommies left???

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I am wiccan and am having my second child. Just wondering if there is anyone else?


  • I'm celtic pagan which I wud say is close enough. Shocked to see this post though. Congrats and good luck.
  • I'm a wiccan mommy :)! This is also my first baby, and look forward it. Good luck everyone!
  • What is wiccan?
  • Yeah, what is wiccan?
  • @xxsammaxxjammaxx definitely close enough. I held off for awhile to post this due to past experience. A lot of us live in the shPeadows and I thought I'd give it a shot. I am greatly interested in the Celtic study of the craft.
    @EiralynnesMommy that's awesome!
    @mamikailee & @PebblesMommy Wicca is fairly complicated to explain (especially on my phone) but basically it is the study of witchcraft. Please don't misinterpret as one's who are in the media. If you have any questions feel free to ask. I am more than willing to answer them.
  • Thanks casnleslie. I'm not, but someone disliked me just for asking!! Geez
  • I think it sounds really interesting to be honest
  • I'm not a wiccan...but I think its an interesting topic.
  • edited February 2011
    @PebblesMommy I would rather be asked what it is. The first question I usually get is negative. I shall like :)
    @mamikailee & @babybumpers It is. I was just scared because of past experiences.
    Thank you ladies for being positive :)
  • What do you do in it though like do spells haha jk but im really curious could you name some key points
  • ...A lot it it involves being in tune with yourself nature aand the world around you... celebrating the solstices... I was raised catholic and began studying wicca when I turned 12... a lot of it is different but you see similarities a majot onr being praising the goddess and god... it is not devil.worship although many mistake the god pan for Satan... there's a lot more to it than that too...
  • So is there anything different about how you go through a pregnancy or delivery? Just wondering if your post is specifically about being wiccan and pregnant or if you were just wondering how many other wiccan mommies were around here.
  • @jalem thank you for the start :) I think it is interesting you were raised catholic. Is your family good with you choice?
    @mamikailee to add we do do rites (also known as spells) that are used to empower us. To every goddess and god there is light and dark aspects like day and night. There is no perfect god as there is no evil. A lot of our belief involves the moon and seasons. Many believe in karma and firmly believe to harm none. There is a lot more, but my thumbs are getting
  • Ohh that sounds reeeally cool. Do the spells work like magic?
  • @PebblesMommy as far as pregnancy and birth goes, it can be complicated in that some prefer all natural births and pregnancy while others don't mind medical assistance. Plus I have noticed a lot of herbs are not safe to deal with in pregnancy. I posted mainly because I was beginning to feel alone in the journey as I always see "God bless" or "I'm praying for you" but never Blessed be. Don't get me wrong, I take no issue with this, but it sparked a curiosity I guess is the best way to put it.
    Hope this makes
  • @mamikailee A spell by "definition" that is most simple is the ritual act of bringing about a desired result. It is a part of said magick which is causing something to happen.
  • I'm a Celtic Pagan, its close to Wiccan. I can't handle most of my herbs either, its so frustrating! :)
  • So Wicca is earthly stuff?
  • @Kriss82001 It seems like everything I go to do lately involves something I can't touch and I'm "solitary" so I can't even have someone else help me out. I'm kind of a mut when it comes to practicing. I pretty much take a little bit from everything. Does that even make sense?lol
  • Yep, earthy stuff. Its being in tune with yourself & the world around you.
  • Right on! Love it.. thanks.
  • edited February 2011
  • @casnleslie I'm a solitary too, always preferred it that way. The farthest I'm will to go right now is letting my bf help a little, or latex gloves, not the same but its better than nothing. I was a mutt for a long time too, until I realized what I was best at & what meant the most to me. That's what I like abt being Pagan, there really isn't strick doctrines.
  • not to sound like a dumbass, but what is wiccan?
  • @casnleslie my parents had don't issues at first but because it was a part of my class (Sunday school) about researching other religions they let me look it up then when i told them I wanted to look farther into it my dad said that's what we get for letting her do a project on heathenism.. 4 weeks later I discussed with them what I learned what I thought were positive about it and.basically told them I wouldn't be attending church lolz.. weird start but hey
  • @Kriss82001 I tried letting my hubby help, but I can never focus. I wasn't sure if the gloves would take away from the energy. Also, I have notice I have been especially interested in the Celtic Pagan belief. Probably because I'm 50%
  • @casnleslie I'll let him help cut & pack it away, that's about it. But I've found that if I'm trying for a prayer or focusing on the baby, it helps to have him around. I guess because s/he is half his. With the gloves it takes a little more focus, but its not that much of a difference I've found. I love the Celt way, I tried others, but the just didn't "fit" I guess. With this one I've found it brings me great peace & I just feel so rejuvenated.
  • @jalem That's awesome. My parents are fine (never religous) but my hubby's family and the rest of mine refuse to be educated. His mother tried to say she was going to take my daughter to church to get her away from the "evil". Oh and she made sure to tell her witches are mean and evil. Luckily she didn't buy it. (Sorry about the venting)
  • Haha vent all u want I know how that is... I've been for about 8 yrs of studying practiing and my grandmother tells people I worship the devil
  • @Kriss82001 thank you for the tips. They are much appreciated. I'm so happy now. :)
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