tmi but i need to know...

edited October 2011 in Pregnant
I gave birth to my daughter Sept 30th and now I'm home of course n I'm sOo stopped up! I hardly want to eat bc I know that it won't come out smooth. I'm in a lot of pain when try to have a bowel movement what should I use ? Or is it to early for that


  • Try some stool softner
  • Def need a stool softner miralax works good to
  • I'm in a lot of pain from having gas put I just had a bowel movement and it didn't hurt at all the hospital has been giving me a stool sofener
  • Well, I say put on a rubber glove, get some vaseline , and help it come out. I know its gross, but you'll feel so much better.
    I've had to do it about 5 times since I've been pregnant. It was so relieving.
  • Colace and miralax have been very helpful for me. I take 2 colace a day and if i need a little extra help I take some miralax.
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