
I was supposed to go to the DR to get my 30 WK growth scan on Friday, but for the past few days my heart speeds up really fast and it tickles my throat.... to where I have to cough to get it to go away. So I called the DR and asked them what it could be & if it should be any concern (my uncle has arrhythmia). So now I go in at 2 for my growth scan and then I guess go from there with the heart problems. Has anyone else experienced it? If so what was it?


  • If you are having palpitations it can take your breath away. I dont know if thats what you mean by having your throat tickle? Try to relax, stress will make them more frequent. I had palpitations in my first pregnancy due to a slight iron deficiency and stress made them worse. Its very common to have them in pregnancy because of our increased blood flow. Glad you are checking it out but chances are everything will turn out fine!
  • @new_baby_in_oct when I had my GD test, they said my iron was low- so that is probably what it is! Thanks! (:
  • i was gunna say either iron or potassium those both cause my heart to get out of whack. i have heart conditions on top of it but i def know how scary it can be! GLAD IT WASNT ANYTHING SERIOUS!! :] take care!
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