need help to induce myself lol..???

edited October 2011 in October 2011
Man like wtf
I'm due next Thursday and I'm not progressing at all only 1cm but I'm soft
Dr talking bout if I dnt go n by due date we gonna talk about have a csection something I dnt want...
What can I do to help me dilate??? Something to start labor uugghhh


  • Why is going for csection right away?? Tell him you don't want csection. Try induction at least first
  • Have him strip your membranes I was the same way not progressing so much but really soft. Felt like I was going backwards and they stripped me day after due date and I had my dauther the following morning. So don't let them just plan csection right away unless they think its medically needed.
  • @lily_glz idk these doctors n new orleans b quick to try to cut somebody she did that wit my first child

    @qweennique I'm sure gonna tell her that cuz I dnt wanna get cut again
  • It drives me crazy how quick some docs are to do c sections. Its not their choice if it's not a risk to you or babies health. Its convenient and more money for them but not always necessary. Not progressing is definitely not a reason to jump straight to c section. I have to post a link to a article I read today about this.
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