Really sad :(

edited October 2011 in Pregnant
I'm due to be induced at 7pm today and it really just hit me that my mom isn't here. She's in kuwait working. My first child, her first grand child, and we're thousands of miles apart. My boyfriend of course will be there, but I really want my mom. I have no idea what to expect with child birth. So far none of my family is coming tonight. My grandmother was going to but she's in the hospital as well. I'm trying so hard to be strong but it hurts. I'm trying to start focused on the birth of my son and the energy I will need but I dont know who to talk to :(


  • I'm.sorry :( do u have a laptop or something to do skype? Hang in there.
  • I do. She's 7 hours ahead and she leaves for work at 6 am
  • Do you have a sister, aunt, cousin, or bff that you would feel comfortable being there? My parents were in Asia when my sister and I had our babies and we were there for each other. I was there for my nephew's wife, all her family are in the Philippines. Also, depending on your hospital, the delivery room nurses can really be there for you.
  • I have two older sisters on my dad side, doubt their coming tonight tho, bff all disappeared, one is coming tomorrow I hope, idk about my aunts, and my cousin that wants to be in the room has two kids of her own and has school tonight. @granny2b
  • If u lived in VA I would come sit with u hun and be ur coach :) u can do it tho. Women have been having babies for forever. Some cultures even make moms labor and deliver alone with no help or encouragement!
  • Can you put her on speaker phone or web cam good luck tonight.
  • Thanks @kingsmama....that would suck

    @samantha I'll try to depending on the time
  • I hope he comes at good timing for both time zones. Maybe talking to her beforehand and after will make you feel a little better.
  • @samantha I talked to her earlier and she kept crying :( hopefully he does come at a good time
  • Sending timing dust ur way*** either way I think ur mom will be too excited to sleep. I'd try to set up a web cam for her to be there with u as best she can and get Skype or ventrillo to talk :)
    BTW r u progressed at all? I ask cuz my induction was for 7pm also but I was 2cm, thin and at 0 station. They just held me overnight to monitor him and didn't do cervidill cuz I woulda had him in the middle of the night. So they skipped that and just started me on pitocin at 6am the next day and I progressed on my own and had my son at 155pm. Just 2 mins after the east coast 5.8 earthquake! Man that was an adventure for my 1st born lol.
  • we're here for you! I know we aren't even close to being as comforting as your mom, but I don't sleep at night anymore, post if you have concerns and of course keep us updated! You'll be holdng your baby soon!! \:D/ good luck!
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  • @kingsmama I'm still closed. She just called me :). I'm sitting I'm the hospital parking lot lol

    @kimberly4411 thank you!
  • @tricesbaby I surely will have someone take tons of pics
  • Well good luck hun. Ur gonna do great! And know ur moms with u in spirit and she would be by ur side if she could. At least she has something to look forward to when she comes back :) tag me in ur updates hun and relax ur gonna do awesome. The prize will be worth every second of it all trust me!
  • Thank you so much for your encouragement @kingsmama
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