Period, Oh Period, Where are you?

edited October 2011 in Postpartum Health
I was suppose to start my period September 14th and its still not here!

After giving birth to my son in March, my periods have been pretty regular. Except for one month, it was a few days off. So did this happen to any of Yall?

There is a big possibility I am pregnant, but I was just wondering if it could still be out of whack!

(According to some due date site, I would be due may 23rd, and I would have conceived August 31st.... and we had sex that day.)


  • edited October 2011
    Only one way to
  • Pay day is Thursday! I will be buying a test then.@alwayzbeenurz2008

    I would love another baby, but not this soon.
  • There's a good chance.. your very fertile after giving birth!
  • You can have mine its a killers this month
  • How soon after giving birth do u get ur period back? I'm 2 1/2weeks pp
  • @trying4first that's why I think I am, but I didn't know if periods were usually way out of whack postpartum.

    @eeyore periods do suck. I never cramped before getting pregnant, but afterwards, its been bad!
  • I wish I was a walking pregnancy test but I'm not. Better go buy a Pee stick
  • @clope18 I stopped bleeding 3wpp , and started my period in may.
  • D he cum inside u? And u know ur super fertile after having a baby right? Take a test to be sure and update us :)
  • @kingsmama no, he didn't finish inside. We used no protection though. He hates condoms, and I hate the feeling too. I was going to get implanon, but the earliest they could get me in for it was whenever I was going back to school ajd school wouldn't allow me to miss any more.

    Were probably going to town tonight to get one, and I'll take it in the morning.
  • Ya me and hubby had sex for the 1st time in over 2 months and he said "I've waited this long to make love again and I don't wanna ruin it with a condom". So needless to say he didn't put one on but he didn't cum inside me either. Sad thing is I'm not allowed to ever be on birth control again. So if I get preggers again we will keep it (tho ideally we wanna wait a few yrs) then hubs is getting snipped and I might get my tubes tied for extra insurance lol.
    Oh and as for ur original post I haven't gotten my period at all yet. I just stopped bf'ing and I'm still only 6 weeks pp.
  • @kingsmama I tried to tell my husband that he should get snipped later. Ita cheaper, and isn't as big as a deal as getting tubes tied.

    And I delivered in march, started first period in may
  • @kingsmama I took a test last night and one this morning, both negative.
  • Still no period :(
  • Mayb u took the test a little to early? That happen with both my post kids I always tested at the wrong time
  • @breewashington08 maybe so, I have one test left, if I don't start within a week I guess I'll test again. I've been crAmping though.:(
  • My periods took about 6 months to get back to normal after I had my son... Goodluck xox
  • @tinka1326 my son is six months old. Im kind of thinking they just aren't normal yet though.

    Thank you.:)
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