Blood pressure is high, doctor put me on bedrest until further notice *UPDATE* + mucus plug pics

**10.7.11 Today is my due date! I was hoping he would decide to come today because it's my papa's birthday :( Oh well, he just isn't ready! I had another appointment this afternoon. My blood pressure was back to normal. It was never really "high" but it was high for me so I guess the doctor just wanted to be sure it wasn't developing into something.
My cervix is still only about 1 cm but has progressed to 70% effaced. She tried to get a good membrane sweep but nothing yet.. I did however have a good bit of my mucus plug in my underwear when I got home.
Here's the link if anyone wants to see lol. There's some discharge and ky jelly goo because I had literally just came from the doctor's office. It's really gross, just to warn you!
I lost another good chunk of it later too.
I asked bf if he wanted to see, you should have seen his face.
I'm going Monday morning for a NST just to make sure baby is doing ok. They scheduled me to come in for induction Thursday evening. I'm really hoping this little guy decides to come before then. I've always wanted to try into labor naturally but baby is so big, I'd rather have some pitocin than end up in the OR for a c section.

I just got home from my appointment, 39+5 due 10/7 and my blood pressure is high. My doctor wants me to go ahead and stop working and wants me on bedrest until they see me again on Friday (2 days). My cervix is still only about 1 cm and 50% :( I have a feeling I'm going to end up with a C section now because of this and baby is so big already.


  • Oh no :( sorry hun.. hopefully not!
  • Same thing happened to me on Monday. I'm 37+3. What was your BP, if you don't mind sharing?
  • My Bp was 145/99 yesterday, lot sent to hospital and am hour later it dropped t 128/70 i have no idea what my body is playing at! I hope your baby comes quickly now for you x
  • Mine was running 145/85.. then it got up to 155/96. Then it dropped back to 136/72.. so I've been on bedrest and taking my BP every so often. Doc said call if it got to be 140/80 and go to hospital if it was 150/90. So for about 12 hours it ran 136/88 and once hit 138/96. So I called doctor.. his response "just keep on doing what you are doing and I'll see you tomorrow at appointment." ugh.. wth? Idk what is going on with my body either. I've always had great BP. I'm ready for baby to be out!
  • You might just be stressed because you are so close to due date.. and they might try induction before csection! Try your hardest to not think about it, relax, take a warm bath, listen to music
  • My BP ran 140/100 for a whole week. They were able to induce me. This was at week 39. My Dr sent me un for monitoring and if course over 3 hours it went back down into the 120 range and got discharged which my Dr was almost placing bets in Vegas I'd be having baby that night with induction. They had me do 24 hour urine sample and come back the next day for re evaluation. At hospital my BP the next day was between 125-132 over the 3 hours. They then sent me to my ob office and there it was 140 and 142. At that point my Dr said my BP is cause for concern and wasn't sure why they kept discharging me. She said because my due date was so close, within 4 days, she'd call in a scheduled induction if we wanted because the hospital wasn't seeming concerned at all but she was. We agreed and got the induction. I'd ask to get an induction if you're comfortable with that.
  • I take medication for high bp. Works like a charm. Always 120/80 now.
  • @august22baby What was your blood pressure running? If you don't mind me asking.
  • @August22baby Thank you. I've had some issues with my BP this week.. doctor seemed concerned at first but now not so much. I've been monitoring my BP at home for 2 days so I'm trying to figure out what is a high BP for during pregnancy. I've always had perfect 120/70 so this is all new to me.
  • @Mrs4c Your top or bottom number was running 140 and 142??
  • Thank you for the info.
  • Sorry it was 140/100 and 142?101. Sorry to confuse you. 140/142 would be insane!!
  • bump for update! :)
  • Looks like a mucous plug to me. Mine came out in pieces.
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