In labor and delivery! *update* #2

edited October 2011 in Labor
Currently hooked up to monitors and I'm super excited to get this process started! Posting that everything goes well and semi fast lol

since the beginning of my induction theres been nothing but bull crap. i came into the hospital knowing that i would attempt rounds of cytotec to get me to dilate. after 4 rounds of that i only dilated to 1cm after coming on only being a half. After that failed I agreed to try cervidil for 12 hours. had intense contractions but did not dilate. Every shift change between 2 docs i was constantly told something difffernt. At first i was told that i needed to dilate to 1cm to start pitocin. Following doc changed that to 2cm. Then i was told that i had a choice for them to brek my water to see if i progress. Following doc said no, that would become an insurance issue. Im constantly being ran around in circles. This morning i was told that i had a choice to come back in a week to try again since i wasnt full term. X( . im 39.5. my due date is sunday. Why the hell would i want to come back in a week if you've tried 2 inductions and it failed?? I am not leaving this hospital with out my son and thats final. But of course my opinion doesnt really seem to matter. Now im sitting here venting, just started pitocin and im exhausted. I just want my baby boy!

Kari Lamarr
Born at 10:15 8lbs 20 inches


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