What to expect?

edited October 2011 in Third Trimester
Asuming my lil one doesn't pop out between now and tomorrow at 10am I have an appointment for an nst my question is... What should I expect and what is the procedure... Should I watch what I eat before so he is not overactive?


  • All you do is sit in a chair and have two monitors on your belly. One for contractions and one for baby's heartbeat. they give you a little clicker and you click the button every time you feel baby move. Thats all. Simple and easy.
  • You just have to lay there for 15-20 min and they put 2 monitors on you, one for babys heartbeat and the other monitors his movements, they dont always give u a little clicker some monitors do it themselves. My nurse said to eat before I go everytime. And thats pretty much it! Take something to read cuz it gets boring!
  • I've done it twice. Just had the 2 monitors on my stomach. They may do an ultra sound, then you just sit in a chair. I haven't been told to eat before hand.
  • How far along are u?
  • @fiirsttiimemommy2b I'm 40 weeks 2days today!


    Thanks ladies I will prolly just bring pregly with me on my phone... I don't have very many other reading materials :(
  • Yeah thats usually what I do, use my phone to be on Pregly :) but the last one I had was at the hospital and I didnt have any signal so I asked the nurse if she could bring me a magazine cuz I was sooo bored and she brings me a food magazine! The thing is it was in the morning and I didnt have time to eat before going so I was STARVING so flippung thru that mag was Pure torture! Lol
  • @Excitedforoctober I hope my hospital has signal cause that's where my test is... :( and I could only imagine trying to read a food magazine and being hungry oh man that's a bummer I'm hungry when I see good food lol then I get obsesed with having whatever it was I saw
  • @fiirsttiimemommy2b @Excitedforoctober @1stwoodsbaby @smcox

    Well I was there 2 hours was hooked up got to watch tv then had to lay on my side after doing the test on my back then got checked and I'm 2cm dilated and they stripped my membranes hoping this works out since leaving I've had what seem to be contractions but nothing unbearable
  • I hope it works and u go into labor soon! :)
  • Yay, I hope it works!
  • i hope it worked:)! im almost to my due date only 4 days to go but not showing many signs :( im just trying to be calm and playing the waiting game :) labor dust to you and keep us updated :)
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