only about 3 weeks left!!

edited October 2011 in Pregnant
I'm a ftm and my due date is Oct 28th. I'm starting to get really nervous and I am having serious anxiety issues about labor and delivery...anyone have any positive birthing stories


  • Due the 21 im getting scared too but only cause of the pain. Youll b fine us woman r made to pop out babies lol
  • I'm due the 23rd and strangly enough I'm not nervous at all. I'll probably be the one to freak out while its happening. Although she is super active and I feel her ALL the time.. it still doesnt seem real that I"m having a baby..
  • I can't agree more....this whole pregnancy has went by soooo fast...I don't feel like im about to be a mom
  • Mine has flown by as well. I don't think it will really hit me that I'm a mom until about 2 days at home with her when it sinks in that she is mine and I can't give her back to someone else like I do with other people's babies when they cry or need something.
  • I keep having anxiety like crazy, ftm too. My mother's advice to me is to listen to your body and trust it. She said having a baby was the best most natural thing in the world and labor is worth it. Due Oct 28 too. If our moms can do it so can we!
  • I'm due Oct 30th with my second. My first labour was nothing like I expected, my waters broke, labour didn't start and I ended up being induced and then had a c-section as my body decided not to dilate! I really didn't want a section but I look back on it now thinking I was safe and healthy and my son arrived safe and healthy and that's all that matters.I think you should go with the flow, listen to your body and don't put too many expectations on yourself. Ladies have been having babies for thousands of years, it is what we were made for! And we always have the epidural (ha ha!) Please don't worry you will do great! (*)
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