Erb's Palsy

edited October 2011 in Babies Health
So my little miracle is almost 4 weeks!!
We went to the Neurologist & he confirmed Erbs :(. But at least we can get things started. We called Early Intervention which does therapy til age 3 for babies or kids who qualify. I'm waiting for the call to start therapy. We registered though. Her arm is giving some resistance to us moving it but its still mostly immobile. She's growing & healthy!!!
I'm breastfeeding & doing well but sometimes I give her an ounce or2 of night mostly.
I would like to pump out more but what I pump is minimal & not enough to store....just an ounce or 2. But she's draining my milk so I can't pump out much. But we are doing ok. So far so good.


  • Awe good luck. Glad you guys are doing well
  • I'm glad you starting now !!
  • Thanks @Samantha & @2girls_1boy

    Better to start early! Because she'll have big setbacks when crawling starts.

    If any1 knows more bout this Erb's Palsy please let me know. Thanks
  • What is it? Can you call a childrens hospital and get some information or maybe they have classes you can take or can direct you to a support group of some sort? I have never heard of it sorry I'm not more help.
  • i am so glad to hear your daughter is doing well. Im sorry to hear about the erb's my heart goes out to you & your family. Its going to be a long road from here but you will be able to get thru it. has some good info and also has picnic & other get togethers i have been to that are ver informational as well as u get to know other parents of children with this injury. im not sure what states they go to but it has some good info.

    they also have a facebook page.. called UBPN.

    finding support is going to be huge for you and your daughter. they will probably start talking surgery soon. if i had the choice i would have gone with that option unfortunatly 23 years ago they didnt have as much info about the injury so you are lucky there! --- has alot of good info about it as well.

    while i look for the sites that have helped me the most over the years you should know that Dr. Nath is amazing check out his website he maybe able tio help you as well. what state are you living in?

    I am always here to answer any questions or provide support to you since i have this same injury i believe we could really be there for eachother good luck mama. you are an incredibly strong woman ♥
  • My second son had a brachial plexus injury at birth. ( I think brachial plexus and erbs palsey falls into the same catergory). It happened because he was a big baby and the Dr. was pulling his head too hard and it stretched a nerve. His right arm was completely paralyzed until he was 9 months. He had weekly physical therapy at a children's hospital until he was 2 yrs. old. Today he is 8 yrs. old and he writes with the hand (right hand) that was affected. He made a full recovery but his right arm is a little shorter than his left arm (not very noticable though) children's hospital did an awesome job and they said that not many children recover the way my son did without surgery. Good luck to you and your family on the road to recovery. If you have any questions feel free to ask me. It helps when you know others that has been through the same thing.
  • @Samantha its where the nerve is damaged. She can't move her arm.

    @Landynplus1momma thanks for more info. Right now they are talking therapy to see if it helps. If not then surgery. I'm really hoping therapy is all she'll need. Her arm is showing resistance when I change her clothes. I gonna check the sites out. I may even head to me regular dr & get her opinion. She doesn't do highrisk so I had to find someone else. I've been seeing these commercials for birth injuries. My hubby wants to see if we should go that route. I just want therapy to help. Plus medicaid pays for babys bills far.
  • @dawtalove when did your little guy start therapy? He didn't need surgery? If you have time please read my birth story on here....a different post. My baby was 7lbs 14oz. But the a-hole anesthesia guy dble dosed me & I went numb & couldn't push. So dr was pushing on the fundus. I was passing out too.
    My girl is 4 wks on tues. They've yet to start therapy.
  • Of it is possible, research the therapy they may use and start her yourself.. it could give her a head start and may help in the ling run..
  • call a lawyer. It is not proper procedure anymore to apply funal pressure. I have an amazing brachial plexus/ebrs palsy laywer he is incredibly educated on this so i know its not right but he is unfortunatly in ohio. If you research on google you can find many lawyers that just focus on brachial plexus/erbs interview many finding the one u are most comfortable with. justice needs to served for you daughter

    i started therapy at 4 months old. I have been in it my entire life.
  • My nephew has this and you know he is now 18 graduating from high school this year. He is star of the wrestling team his arm has been issues but never a set back. Unfortunately my sis never tried to get help for him so he grew up not knowing any different. I being the good aunt would lovingly call him Nemo :D good luck with your little one!
  • @one5one I havnt been on here much but I have erbs palsy...
    I was almost 11 lbs at birth n instead of giving my mom a c section theybcut her up her back n pulled me out by my arm riping nerved away from my spin I also had a pinched nerve. I could not move my arm ad well it stuck.straight out to my side. They wanted to have sergery but I moved my fingers so they didn't so I just had physical therapy for a long time my arm wasn't growing like my other arm it was shorter but the best thing my mom did for me was treat me like I didn't have anything wrong wit me
    She found out that Texas children hospital did surgery so when I was 12 (cuz they didn't no much about it then ) had the surgery n they cleaned all the scar tissue out m unponched my nerve n everything if u have any question please ask Im on my fone so I didn't type as much good luck
  • @one5one, they started therapy with him very early at about 2mths. He did not need surgery because his nerve was stretched and not torn. My son was 8lbs. 14 oz. at birth. I'm gonna read your birth story. Thanks.
  • That's awful I'm sorry that happened. I wish her the best of luck. Maybe the physical therapy will help her indefinitely. I would def look into an attorney and both Dr and anesthesiologist need to be reprimanded.
  • Good luck and prayers to you and baby! I hope she gets approved!
  • Hi everyone! Sorry it took so long to answer. My fone had issues for a few days then I was and am beat from breastfeeding.
    So far they set an appt for oct 24 for an eval. Wtf!! Why an eval when the Neurologist sent a script for her issue! Why do we wait so long? Times running out! I called today & asked for something sooner. Waiting for a call.

    @kritten_octoberbby I've tried to look for therapy online but found nothing that would give me a step by step.

    @Landynplus1momma my hubby wants to sue. So it doesn't happen to any1 else. But what'll happen if we do? Do we go to a different hospital because of the legal battle? If public aid pays for all bills, what are we sueing for? It is so confusing!!
    Her arm is showing some resistance but still fairly limp.
  • Thank you @kristaf22 I'm praying for Amber & baby & fam. I havnt been around but been thinking bout them. & I'm sorry Kaydence lost her battle.

    @Mylittleman2011 its great your nephew is enjoying life & not setback because of his arm. I'm trying my best for my lil girl to get help. Things are hectic trying to get therapy started.
  • @blast4 I'm not sure if you read the post I put about my labor. If you have time read it. My daughter was almost 8lbs. But I was given a heavy dose of epidural & passed out during pushes and was numb as well. I blame the anesthesia guy. He f...ed up on me before. I'm waiting for therapy. But if surgery is needed so be it. After your surgery did your arm get use back? Did you mom notice if your shoulder had any resistance or whatnot? My babys arm gives some push now when I dress her. Like her other arm does. It's stoll limp & her elbow is useless. Her shoulder is showing some improvement I guess.
  • @dawtalove how did they find that the nerve was stretched & not torn or cut in half. They said they'd do more tests at 5-6 months. Its a wait process now. I hate waiting!
  • @ash1la thank you!

    @Samantha we will most likely look into a lawyer. It such a odd situation for us. We have no experience with this & dobt know what road to take.
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  • I'm not going to say sorry. Shes beautiful, and no matter her difficulty, shes wonderful the way she is. It always ticked my mom off when ppl would say sry just because I have hearing loss. She would say shes wonderful the way she is why be sry? I will say be strong & fight for your baby girl. You are her voice. Sueing is more to hold the drs accountable, they messed up. Now your daughter will live with their mess up. If nothing else put the money aside for her schooling. Lots of prayers that therapy starts soon
  • @2BeForgotten I'm trying to always be positive. So if we sue its for $$? Do you know if I could stay with the hospital if we sue?

    @Pinkigirl I see your point. Its a miracle she's her despite her arm. Thank you! We are blessed because we thought we couldn't have more. Can I ask what holding them accountable will do? Do they get suspended? Its all new & confusing to me.
  • @one5one, they knew the nerves were stretched and not torn when he started making progress at around 8-9 months (that's when he started to crawl) . The Dr. said that if the nerves were torn my son wouldn't have been able to crawl. Plus he was doing more movements during his physical therapy sessions which was a good sign. The waiting process is the worst but just be patient and give your baby lots of love and support.
  • Oh yea, I had a two year long lawsuit battle with the OB that I had at that time and nothing came out of it. Drs. are very well protected under their malpractice insurance and laws.
  • Here it's on line if a dr has had to use malpractice insurance (in st louis mo). I looked up my ob b4 my son was born & again when I got my bfp with this lil guy. Also just like car insurance, their insurance goes up if they need to use it. My dr said thats why he's very careful. He hasn't had to use his in over 20yrs & has been in practice for 23yrs!
  • @dawtalove how was his arm at 1-2 months? My lil girls hand always moved & now since I do some range of motion exercises, she's showing some strength. Like if I bend the arm its not always easy. Like when I bend her 'good' arm. She seems to straighten it but still can't bend it. So if we do sue, can I still go to that hospital? Or see my midwife? I'm still going for postpartum checkups. I'm very happy your childs doing well!
  • @Pinkigirl I Googled mine too. Lots liked him. Others didn't. I also know of people whose friends used him & love him. I don't know.
  • @one5one, my son's arm was completely paralyzed at 1-2 mths. We had to tape his arm across his chest so that it would'nt just hang. I went to that same hospital and gave birth to 3 other children after that incident and I didn't have any problems. My lawsuit was only against the Dr. and not the hospital.
  • @one5one congrats friend and I will say a prayer for you
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