Three Questions.

1) I've heard Maxi pads are the best... but which brands have you ladies found are the best for postpartum bleeding? With wings or without? I've never used pads before so I'm clueless on whats the best and what will work the best.

2) What all did you wash of babies before handling baby around the items? I've thought of crib/bassinet sheets, towels, wash clothes, blankets, and clothes of course... but are bibs, burp clothes, or anything else I'm forgetting necessary? What all did you wash?

3) Hi breastfeeding (or pumping) mommas. When you pump your milk what do you use to store it in? Do you get special containers or do you use something else?

Thanks everyone! We have a little less than a week before baby gets here, so I'm trying to get these last minute things worked out before her arrival.


  • i can help with one and two lol

    1)i never use pads either, i hate them...but i would suggest the ones with wings because it could get messy at first... especially for us who normally don't wear them lol i would buy the super thin ones that was like the ultra protections and super long because alot of blood was coming out at first.

    2)i washed everything. everything u mentioned..the bibs burp cloths, socks everything.

  • 1: without wings I prefer..doesn't make much diff for mee.. depends on how much u bleedin I just used panty liners when I came home but hospital pads in hospital..

    2:i washed everything u mentioned!!! everything!!! including bouncy seat fabric.. everything!! lol
    3: they make these lil containers wirh lids for bfing but u could probably use anything with a tight lid..
  • edited October 2011
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  • 1. With my first I used always with wings.
    2. Everything got washed in dreft before using it on baby.
    3. I bought ziplock type storage bags made just for breast milk. They can be frozen and have where you can write the date and ounces on the bags before storing. I just used the lasholin brand from walmart.
  • 1. I just used the ones they gave me at the hospital they asked if I wanted some before I left. Anything that gets opened by you that they supply (ie. Diapers,pads,witch hazel pads) they wont be able to use so you can take it all with you.

    2. I washed EVERYTHING she was going to cone in contact with since I didn't know how sensitive her skin was gonna be or what might have been on the stuff.

    3. They make milk storage bags that you can pour the milk in to freeze or put in the fridge they are pretty much like zip lock bags and you can put the date and how many ounces.
  • Awesome! Thank you everyone!! I feel a lot more informed. :)
  • Are you still awake??
  • @garagebandfan I was still up but just now got your message. I'm sorry!
  • @1stwoodsbaby its okay. I've been having contractions for over two hours now! At first they were just uncomfortable, now they are painful!!
  • @garagebandfan maybe this is the real deal!! Anything timeable??
  • 3-4min apart..the ones I can time anyway. The back pain is nutso!
  • @garagebandfan Oh back pain/labor. I've heard that is the worst! Is there anything the nurses can do/recommend to help with the pain?? I hope your contractions stay close.. when will they check your cervix again?
  • They will check it whenever I want..I just don't want them to yet Haha I am scared im not progressing.. and the nurses keep trying to talk me into an epidural haha
  • @garagebandfan Are you thinking about getting an epi or no meds? I soooo hope there is some progress. I can't wait to find out what the little one is and I'm ready for you to be able to go home where you are comfortable.
  • I want to do it med free.. which is another reason I don't want to be checked..I can tell my self I just have a few cm left instead of knowing how much more haha
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