back labor

edited October 2011 in Labor
I've never had back labor. I've been having some uncomfortable contractions for about an hour, but the back labor is the worse.

I have two options I can get hooked up to the machine (which I don't want to do) or I can try and time them myself.

My question how do you time them? The back pain doesn't seem to ease up.


  • Umm I had back labor as well and yes it was excruciating!! I only started getting mine towards end of active labor, so timing was not a thought. Sorry.
  • With my first it was a back to back birth and there was no let up. No way could I time. Sorry x
  • @cheryl74 that's how these feel... I've been laying on a heating pad trying to relieve the back pain but no luck!

    @mommyof3tobe thank you!

    Did either of you notice your boobs getting hard during a contraction?
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  • Tbh I can't remember, it was 15 yrs ago lol. I do remember not being able to sit or stand or lay down. I just couldn't get comfy. Good luck hunny x
  • @cheryl74 that's exactly how this feels!! A bath didn't help, a shower didn't help. At first they were just uncomfortable where I couldnt sleep or get comfortable... now they are making me stop moving and clinch my teeth!

    @tricesbaby thanks for the bumb
  • Sorry didn't notice my boobs hardening.
  • I'm in early labor now actually, and losing chunks of my mucus plug I'm getting pains in my abdomen and in my back fml I'm planning on taking a warm shower in about half an hour see if it helps.
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