Sex after L&D

edited October 2011 in Postpartum Health
I'm planning to wait until after my 6 week check-up w/ my doc after to have sex again! It's been 3wks now since I've had my son & I feel like I've healed pretty well already so hopefully after 6wks I can finally have sex with my BF again! Any tips from u mommies? Extra lube? Condoms? I plan to be back on some sort of BC too. I just want my sex life back & hopefully it will be the same as before if not better!


  • We done it the other night (3weeks pp) but hadnt done it for 5 weeks by then so I was super horney! Anyway we used a condom but it was painfull. So now gonna wait as long as possible :-) id say when your ready just take it VERY slow and if it hurts at all then stop! We didnt and I was paying for it the following day. Good luck
  • We did 3 wks pp and have a couple more times too :0 we have used condoms but tomorrow I have my 6 el chekup so hopefully I can get my bc soon! Id just recommend to def use lube!
  • I didn't need lube lol. But I also waited the full 6 weeks. It didn't hurt at all and I had a 2nd degree tear.
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