Mothers who have had a csection

edited October 2011 in Pregnant
Has anyone had really bad side effects DURING the csection? I just had one on the 5th & the entire time I was practically halusinating & don't remember a thing, not even my fiance bringing my son to me. This ever happen to anyone else?


  • Yupp my first was bad I had tons of people come visit me n I didn't remember any of it my second n 3 rd we're much easier n I remember
  • i wanna know to since i might be having a c-section
  • Yes they had me on morphene n I was seeing ants on everything n seeing two of ppl I couldn't make out who ppl were either so everytime someone came n rthe room id ask who they were then id ask who ppl were that weren't there I hated it I asked plz to b takn off that crap
  • I had a c section 18 days ago and I have severe nerve damage from it,the skin over my pubic bone,and even down my leg it feels Like fiber glass is in my pants. It's excruciatly painful. Last week my doc put me on gabapentin its for nerve damage. It hasnt helped,I have an appointment in a few hours to see what to do further. My incision feels great,but this nerve damage,I cant take much longer. Plus I'm absolutely sick of taking pain pills ;(
  • My blood pressure kept dropping. The lowest it got was 76/49. They had to rapidly give me fluids in my IV to bring it up. I got 7 liters of fluid in the OR! I never blacked out, but I remember my hearing kind of getting muffled and I felt out of it. I started to tell the anaesthesiologist I was feeling wierd and the I heard my doc say "she's getting boggy down here! What's her pressure?" Then the anaesthesiologist said, "79/49!" Thankfully, my daughter and I were fine.
  • My pressure dropped alot too! Made me vomit the whole time..o was given too much med for mu spinal ...I was supposed to be numb from breasts arms were numb too!
  • With my first, during the procedure I was a little loopy feeling. My husband was standing there but its like I didn't know him. Weird feeling.
  • My first was bad, I didn't remember really even seeing my daughter, or going into recovery, I was terrified the whole time, when I talked I guess no one could hear me and I thought I died lol. After i was so itchy. And don't remember many guests. My second I remember everything from recovery to seeing him to his cry to a T. I got nervous this time but they gave me something to calm me and I was ok the whole time.
  • I don't really remember anything from my c-section 3weeks ago today. All I remember was freaking out cuz I couldn't move anything & terrified that I was thankfully that wasn't the case. I don't remember the first time seeing my son :'( all I remember is my mom saying "he's perfect". A bunch of ppl that went to go visit me, I can't even recall our convos or what happend that day or the day after :( & I was real itchy all over my body :/
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