1 week old...

edited October 2011 in Ages & Stages
after todays feeding, everything was fine, like usual...but then after about 1.5 hours, he started getting real cranky...usually, he eats, poops, gets his diaper changed, hangs out for a lil bit, then falls asleep...this time, i noticed him trying to push, but nothing was happening...no poop! :-(( its been about 2hrs already! ive tried burping him again (nothing else left to burp out), walking around the house...soothing songs...he tries to fall asleep, but he cant...he tried pushing again, & this time he passed gas :) but still no poop...WHAT CAN I DOOOOOOOOOOOOOO????? my eyes are getting watery seeing him like this :(


  • Alot of newborns pooping will change day to day .....its normal for them to not go everyday!! Try mylocon gas drops and bicycle their legs will help with gas!!
  • My daughter is the same way. She's 6 weeks old and is constantly grunting and pushing. I think she tries to poop when she doesn't need to. Lol. But she is also gassy, so I've been using gripe water. Also if he lost his cord stup u can put him on tummy time and let him fuss for about 15 mins, it helps get things moving
  • I agree w/ augustbaby. Plus newborns typically get fussier 1-2 weeks after birth because they become more alert.
  • @augustbaby @jazzi89 @Math_Mommy thank you, ladies! he took a miniature poop! :D & he was finally able to fall asleep...poor baby :( no im thinking, was he hungry instead of constipated??? :/ so confused! ...FTM dilemmas :(
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