need advice from already moms

edited October 2011 in Baby showers
I'm going to a baby shower tomorrow and we are supposed to bring some advice for the mom to be...I haven't given birth yet... Any advice from mommys that already had their babies?


  • Sleep every possible moment.

    Try gripe water when the baby is fussy

    When the baby has gas, do the bicycle motion.
  • Always jeep their private parts covered when changing them, cuz the one time u don't do it u will get pooped and peed on!

    Always use a burp cloth when burping baby, cuz when u don't use it that's the time u get baby barf on u!

    Don't freak out over every lil noise they make especially when sleeping. Babies make some weird noises and its normal.

    When something goes wrong just laugh and move on. It's a learning experience for both of u. At least u know for next time.

    Think of ur 1st born as a trial run. If this one doesn't turn out good at least u have hopes for the 2nd to be a better kid lol!
  • Enjoy every moment they grow so fast! There is no such thing as too many pictures & videos!

    Dont freak out about every little thing

    Trust your gut, you will know what's best for your baby
  • Remember when the baby is driving you mental and you feel like you just cant cope... Put baby somewhere safe and go make a coffee, come back in a few mins and try again. A happy calm mummy makes for a happy calm baby..

    And wear black pants while in hospital... Nothing worse than ruining your fave pj pants cos you sneezed and the pad leaked lol
  • Don't have any unrealistic expectations because when you have a baby nothing ever goes as planned. Just slow slow down and enjoy every moment
  • Don't let everyone's advice freak you out. There's as many opinions on raising a child as there are people in the world. You're the mom, you have to make the decisions.
  • Every baby is different. Usually as a mother you have to go with your gut feeling.
  • Enjoy the cuddles as when there older and don't want snuggles as much you will miss them :)
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