babys formula?

edited October 2011 in Babies
Who picks it? Is it bad to give her different kind of brands? My WIC give me a different brand then the one I buy n my babys doctor says all formilas r the same? ???? I been giving her efamnali infant she likes it I guess I choosed it.


  • It's not good to constantly switch the brand of formula they r all a lot a like but there r differences. I had to find one that worked for my daughter she started with similac first day was good second I got some throwing up but not bad. Doc told me to Finnish that sample then try enfamil so I did.... no go for my baby she exorcist puked everywhere. She is now on similac sensitive n doing just fine. Turns out she is slightly lactos intolerant :( but yeah try different ones till u find one that works n stick to it.
  • My doctors switched her formula she was on enfamil at the hospital and I have WIC which only does similac so she switched to advanced then wasn't pooping so she was switched to soy started spitting up so they switched her to sensitive which she has been on two months and works best for her..
  • I've heard that they can grow accustomed to the taste of the formula and refuse anything but what they're used to..
  • If your baby doesn't do good with Similac, get your doctor to contact wic, or simply get her/him to write a note saying your baby has to have a specific kind.
  • yes they are all the same as far as quality.. and im assuming tast isnt much different either..
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