HE'S HERE! My Birth Story

edited October 2011 in Giving birth

BIRTH STORY: The reason i choose to do the induction in the first place was because of my bf's job and i didn't wanna go into labor on my own. I told the docs that if nothing worked then i would allow them to do what they needed to do as for a c section. My induction started on Wednesday with the cytotec. Thursday they continued with the cervidil. (now this is where the drama begins) around 6:30 am the doc takes the cervidil out, checks me, and I'm still only 1cm. The plan was for the doc to break my water and let my body attempt to do the rest. But of course the docs changed their mind. Shortly after they started the pitocin the docs wanted to speak with me. They came in my room and basically said that they were sending me home. I instantly got emotional. He went on to tell me how they used their strongest meds (cytotec) , which they had given me 2 six hour rounds and 2 four hour rounds. Then they tried 12 hours of cervidil. COMPLETE FAILS. By now its 8 am and the "head doc in charge" and two ob residents are standing in my room. The head doc said that he was sending me home. I instantly started to cry. I began to tell him my situation with my mom moving and my bf's work schedule and that if they made me wait until the following week then i may end up in L&D alone. I also told him that i was stressed out and depressed and that i felt it was dangerous because i was barely eating or sleeping. The head doc then cuts me off and says that he cant make my body do anything it doesn't want to. i went on to tell him that i knew i was at risk of a c-section if nothing worked, and how i felt like the docs were not listening to me. The head doc then throws up his hands and says "Fine we'll do the c-section at 10" and walks out of my room. I got so damn angry to the point i was ready to snatch the iv out of my arm and go home. (now heres the scary part) a nurse comes in my room and mentions that the head doc is calling social services on me :O because he felt i was a harm to my child. I'm ranting and raving like a mad woman. Did he really think i was gonna let him cut me open just for social services to come and take my baby because i said i was depressed? The social worker shows up, speaks to me and my bf and i clarified what i thought was necessary about my comment. Went on with the c-section. At 10:53am my little boy Kari Lamarr Mitchell is born at an astounding 8 pounds 10 oz measuring 21 inches. The docs made the best day of my life a living hell until i heard my sons first cry <3


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