What's your craving. . . ?;-)



  • Everyday It's changing! But anything bad ur not supposed to eat. Pizza, cheesesteaks,cookies etc
  • Rite now a sandwich, earlier a sonic limeade with apple.
  • And PIZZA lots of Pizza.
  • Scrambled eggs and ketchup & V8 vegetable juice (low sodium)
  • I definetly should not have looked at this discussion haha now i'm hungry even though I already ate salmon with spinach and red potatoes for dinner, then ate ice cream, baked a cake, and ate cheese and crackers lmao but theres some chinese food in the fridge that sounds good right about now.....
  • I have mostly been eating fruit but, I just ate a half a box of cheese it! Ack! They were so good I coundn't stop!
  • My cravings change daily, but they are typically spicy or sweet! My latest two have been a chocolate hot fudge sundae and gumbo! Not necessarily mixed together...LOL
  • At first it was pizza hut breadsticks, then eggo waffles, lately its been ruffles and sour cream and onion dip. I wish it were healthier foods though.
  • Hahaha! Pickles seem to be at the top of the list! Not only do I crave them but it seems to. cure my nausea for some reason???
    Also craving fried eggs :)
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