Mosqito look alike spot on labia majora

edited October 2011 in Pregnant
Sorry for tmi i just dont know what to do and im wondering if any of u ladies had anything like that. Ive got a reddish area on my outside labia (on the pubic/dry skin area) and its so itchy! Im pretty sure its not an ingrowed hair! I put suddocream on it,tried baby powder but nothing helps! Im 38w3d and just worried it will spread! Please help if u can. Thank u.


  • It's prob a pimple lol take a meior and look I get them once a while from sweat did u change body washes too that can cause it
  • Thank u so much for yr comment, i did look and unfortunately its not a pimple. I did change gels recently so i look into that. Thanks xx
  • Maybe a spider bite? Lol idk sorry
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