Do you think its normal...?

Do you think its normal or that your more prone to get ppd if you have had a mc, still birth, or loss and you then have another baby? I lost my son last oct and just had my beautiful daughter in august. I have been finding myself down for no reason and crying alot idk if its truely ppd or just that on the 27th of this month it will mark a year from the day I delivered my son. The closer it gets the more I think about it and get more upset. Jw if mothers who have experienced loss are more susceptible to getting ppd?? Any input is welcomed or maybe just someone who understands. Thanks in advance!


  • You could have a case of baby blues.. women(including myself) who are depressed have a harder time with the baby blues. I would talk to your dr about getting on something to help with that. Also your hormones dont help your emotions either. Hornones arent balanced and it can make your blues going through them for other reasons..sorry for your loss.
  • @written_octoberbby thank you for the advice. I think I will talk to my doc. I just didn't know if maybe I was just upset cause of the anniversary of my loss or if it could truely be ppd.
  • @kritten_octoberbby sorry stupid auto correct
  • @tbaby2011 i really hope everything works out for you..
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