pregnancy blahs hitting me lately!!!! >:[

edited October 2011 in Third Trimester
I'm 38w 1d and I'm so over this already!!! I've been feeling pretty good this whole time I've been pregnant but this last week I'm so ready to be done. I hit my breaking point a couple nights ago and I just cried and was so frustrated, then when I was done I felt guilty lol :/ I'm so irritable and I feel like I'm 1 step away from going off on somebody or something... Anything and I don't like feeling like a ticking time bomb ahhhhh!!!!!! I'm at the miserable, "I'm big as a house/octomom, don't touch or talk to me, please make this pregnancy end finally asap" point :'( ok I'm done with my mommy tantrum! Anybody else out there feeling or have felt the same way?!?!?!?!


  • Yep its pretty normal towards the end, im 39+1 and soooo ready. Had soooo many false starts to labour, get painful contractions for hours and hours, then they ease off... Its do disappointing... I just keep reminding myself the most I will go overdue is 10 days... So I KNOW it will all be over within 2 weeks :-(
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  • YES I have a permanent scowl on my face everyone keeps asking me any more contractions? & I said nothing good enough to go to the hospital obviously. or they walk by & say you look so grouchy-uh no fing duh I cant sleep anymore my throat is doing some weird thing & its so annoying it just makes me cry, heartburn keeps me up all night, I cant eat, when I went to the hospital they said im in early labor & I have no idea what that really means or what so im sitting waiting for contractions to come & they will come & go or not be painfull but timeable or be painful but not consistant enough to so just done with this! >:[
  • Heck, I'm only 30 and I am ready to be done. I hear at least once a day that I look miserable...
  • you and me both girl.. ugh.. ready for this boy to vacate!!! lol.. and ive been contracting for 4days .. and still no baby.. :-(
  • Im only 32+ 1 and feel that way... everywhere igo at least one lady says... iknw what your going through due to thee wobbling
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