my 16wk old will not sleep longer then 1hr, either on naps and at night time!!

edited October 2011 in First time moms
My son jus turned 16wks on Saturday and lastnight and threw today he has NOT slepted longer then 1 hr at a time.. he usually sleep between 4-6hrs at night and 2-4 hrs on naps.. Idk what's wrong, is he going threw a broth spurt of what?? Plz help..


  • Is he really fussy he could be getting a tooth in
  • Yes, and he is always eating!!
  • He might be teething, you might try and look un his mouth the gums could be sore a little white maybe. Some babies start teething and then they could take weeks to break through the skin. My daughter like to suck on a cold washcloth. There is also teething tablets. I would try a pacifier my niece only used hers when she was teething it was soothing for her.
  • I no he likes to munch on his hands, he has never tooken to a pacifier. I can try again
  • Maybe he is sick? It could be a growth spurt but from my experience in day care usually they sleep more during a growth. If it were teething he possibly wouldn't be eating as well as normal and will just chew. Maybe constipated? If it doesn't change i'd bring him in. thats a pretty drastic change.
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