my son is acting weird!

edited October 2011 in Babies Health
Normally he's up most of the day but today all he wants to so is sleep. I have to wake him up to eat. Is it just a growth spurt? Hes 7 weeks today.


  • I'm a ftm so cant give much of a real answer.

    But possibly. Makes sense. Babies go through periods were all they want to do is eat. So why cant they go through one were they want to sleep? I wouldn't worry. Just cherrish these moments to sleep too. Or get housework done.
  • My daughter did that. I think it's the weather. If you are worried ask the Dr. Not waking to feed isn't good so I would ask the Dr but I'm a worry wart
  • Def sounds like a growth spurt I remember the first time my first son did that scared me I took him to the doctor lol. As long as your getting baby to feed and he has no fever dont worry just enjoy a snuggly sleepy baby and get some rest yourself :) xx
  • Sounds normal to me. They go through so many changes and growth spurts its not surprising that they change patterns of sleeping... My son is 2 and still goes through stages where he will sleep for hours and hours that he doesnt normally.
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