But possibly. Makes sense. Babies go through periods were all they want to do is eat. So why cant they go through one were they want to sleep? I wouldn't worry. Just cherrish these moments to sleep too. Or get housework done.
My daughter did that. I think it's the weather. If you are worried ask the Dr. Not waking to feed isn't good so I would ask the Dr but I'm a worry wart
Def sounds like a growth spurt I remember the first time my first son did that scared me I took him to the doctor lol. As long as your getting baby to feed and he has no fever dont worry just enjoy a snuggly sleepy baby and get some rest yourself xx
Sounds normal to me. They go through so many changes and growth spurts its not surprising that they change patterns of sleeping... My son is 2 and still goes through stages where he will sleep for hours and hours that he doesnt normally.
But possibly. Makes sense. Babies go through periods were all they want to do is eat. So why cant they go through one were they want to sleep? I wouldn't worry. Just cherrish these moments to sleep too. Or get housework done.