O my god... Back labor

edited October 2011 in Labor
Holy snikes! What are some ways to ease it, they just started pitocin and my back may fall off, I wanted not to get an epidural, but that may change very quickly! Please help!


  • If they will let you get out of bed, lean over the bed resting your elbows on the mattress. Have your BD/partner roll a ball on the small of your back. *bump* I'm so sorry, back labor is the worst pain.
  • If you can, in bed get on your hands and knees that should help.a lot
  • Omg I had the worse back labor. Walk around, do they have the tubs like jacuzzi thing? Haha that helped me a lot.. stand up lean over bed and move hips side to side, or on the bed and side to side.. heat pad helped me A LOT ask for one??.. have partner rub back.. good luck hun!!
  • Can't help you back labor is the worst...epi helped me :)
  • I had back labor 3 times. Just get the epi. They don't award medals for natural birth & it will completely ease ur pain. Good luck!
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