Mother Effer!

If our roommate goes to the bathroom one more flipping time without washing his hands, I am going to scream!

I almost just did... I have no idea what stopped me. Irrational rage is irrational, I guess.


I was literally just thinking of baby being introduced to germs when he comes out and gets home, and how I shouldn't worry about it.

And then this again! Yes, I've complained about it before!

Ugh, people, I hope you wash your hands. Do NOT get me going on the crud I have seen in public restrooms...


  • Ugh gross! :-( BTW...hows the ant problem??
  • edited October 2011
    @excitedforoctober Better in our bedroom. Still a huge problem downstairs. No one seems to care. I am getting really annoyed with cleaning out the pantry of stuff that's left open, too.

    I was literally so stressed out about our living situation last week, I pulled my eyebrows out.

    Yes, eyebrows. Ugh. :(

    Never done that before until I got pregnant. b-(
  • @bigtalkingtori ugh that sucks! Eyebrows?! Thats crazy, but stress makes you do weird things sometimes! ?Is it warm where you live?
  • That's so disgusting. Back in college I had this roommate who I had to share a bathroom with...well she wouldn't flush the Damn toilet and I would never hear the water run after she went. It was utterly disgustingly! Some people are gross.
  • @excitedforoctober lol. I know I was saying I was so stressed that I could pull my hair out, but I'm sure no one took me seriously, and I'm also sure I never expected it would be my eyebrows... haha. We live in WA near Seattle. It's raining today. As it is most of the time now that summer is over. :(

    @kcike812 So gross! She might as well have been using an out house... :0& ugh.

    Psh. "Some people" are the reason why we have infectious diseases!

    Ugh. Flu shots... I can't remember the last time I had one, or even if I've ever had one. Why? Cus I'm not dumb when it comes to preventing it. I get it maybe once a year, which I can handle. I didn't get it this year. All I had to do was stop working in retail and a bank. Money is pretty disgusting, and hand sanitizer is only good for so long...
  • i go through cans of lysol.. its awsome.. the arisol can for surfaces and it drys on its own.. i swear by it during flu season
  • Hopefully now that the summer is over the ant problem will go away! We have an ant problem at my work during the summers all the time!
  • @lae3 definitely stocking up on disinfecting products before baby gets here. Definitely!

    @excitedforoctober They usually show up here when it starts raining, cus they get flooded out. If it puts things in perspective for you, they've basically been here since we moved in... which was in September 2010. :(

    Can't wait to get a new job after baby gets here so we can move and be on our own...
  • edited October 2011
    omg my moms new bf does this...and so did her ex it bugs the shit outta me! i can hear them come out and the water doesn't even go on...and then i think about them reaching in all the cabinets, fridge, etc. :0&
  • edited October 2011
    @myheartzx3 Nope. No water. They touch light switch, the door, the seat, their peen, the handle on the toilet, the light switch again, the doorknob...

    Then they go make food...

    :0& :O X_X
  • It's happening again... will he or won't he?? Lol...

  • Omg! Me and my hubby r sick right now, idk how either. But we have been washing r hands so much mine r red and its hard to wash bottles. I don't want to pass anything to r son whose only 7 weeks. It's been 4 days and he's still just as healthy as can be :) wash ur hands damnit! It takes 30-45 seconds and makes a world of difference!
  • @Kingsmama It can be spread through the air. Especially through coughing, sneezing, or wheezing. Most of the time, it enters through your ears or nose or mouth.

    Something I try to remember when I feel an early cold coming on (I mean, really early. Like when your throat feels itchy or your ears hurt a tiny bit), that you can try to stop it from there. Hot liquids like tea or soup or coffee or hot cocoa can wash any of those germs that gather at the back of your throat, and bring them to your stomach, where they can't survive. Otherwise, they continue to collect and can reach your lungs. And I freaking hate a chest cold! Lol. As for your ears, you can put a cap full of hydrogen peroxide in your ears while laying on your side, one ear at a time. A little uncomfortable because it tickles, but once it's done bubbling (all it needs is about 5-10 minutes), get a tissue and flip over to let it drain. If anything, it's a good way to clean out your ears, too. :P I was really skeptical on that one when my fiancee told me about it, because I thought, "That's not something you should put in your ears..." So I looked it up. Turns out he was right.

    Hope that helps. You could technically get some hydrogen peroxide on a q-tip and swab the inside of your nose, but I've heard this is pretty uncomfortable. Hahaha. It doesn't sting... it just tickles.

    As for baby, just make sure you stay away from him as much as you can (like around his face, so he has a lesser chance of breathing anything in). If you must give kisses, plant them on their little toesies. :)

    Feel better soon!
  • He turned on the sink this time around (tmi, it wasn't just number 1). Whether or not that 10 or 15 seconds was made productive or not, I do not know....

    I've noticed this several times, though. He won't wash his hands when he goes number 1. But any other time, he does. Come on!!

    Next time he does it, though, I think I'm gonna bring it up. It's getting old.

    I hate that the bathroom is connected to our bedroom. You kinda hear everything. :(
  • Wow! He needs to respect that u have a baby on the way and start hubby has 2 friends, one guys wife, and 3 month old baby living with us till they get a house in a couple months ... They all smoke dont wash hands and baby has respritory infection. I put ALL of my babys stuff in my room with door shut and use lysol like theres no tomorrow im goin insane! So I know how ya feel X_X
  • He did it again. I almost yelled at him but BD was right there. Would not have been pretty.

    @kelseyjo I can't believe that people just really have no care for the well-being of others. [-(
  • edited October 2011
    My husband does that. I even bought a huge bottle of hand sanitizer and put it on the back of the toilet seat. Never used it. He said he hates the way it smells and he'd rather wash his hands. But he never would wash them!! Luckily he at least washes his hands after #2
  • @leggs2011 Yes, but... after he goes number 2, between then and when he washes his hands, he's touching the same stuff as what he does when he goes number 1 and he doesn't wash his hands.


    Not just men. As I mentioned before, I've seen some pretty disgusting behavior in the women's bathroom, too. :(

    3 big pet peeves. And I see at least one every time.

    1. Talking on their phone. Gross, i'm trying to pee! I need to remember to flush over and over again so they get off the phone. Or make them feel like crap for talking to whoever on the phone in a public bathroom...

    2. Not washing their hands. I see this way too much. Especially accompanied with talking on the phone.

    3. Putting their purse on the ground. Yes, I'm talking to you-- Lady at the Olive Garden who put their purse inches away from a questionably yellow puddle, right next to a drain. *kick*

  • First of all, eww @ your roomate

    Second, Ewwwww! @ #3 petpeeve! Gag! And talking on the phone in the bathroom bugs me! I have stage fright woman... shut up im trying to pee!
  • I cant stand to go to a public restroom, flush, walk over to the sink to get some soap, hear someone walk up next to me, look in the mirror and walk out! :O Ive seen this sooo many times. Half of them wouldnt even try to fake it for the sake of other people seeing them! I have co workers like this as well and they are nurses who sometimes touch babies...smh. What bothers me even more is people who will turn the faucet on afterwards for a few seconds just to let the water touch their hands...THAT IS NOT WASHING YOUR HANDS! If anything thats giving the nasty bacteria a cool bath, not killing them. Ok end of vent
  • @baybee1aug10 I knowwwwwww!

    @babybubba123111 Vent is deemed necessary! :0&

    Ugh so he did it again. I sent him a text, cus i'm still laying in bed, asking him if he could do me a favor. If he ever replies, he's gonna get it.

    He replied, here goes...
  • What did he say???
  • edited October 2011
    @babybubba123111 Lol. I told him I couldn't have us getting sick, cus then baby gets sick, and it's going around right now. And basically how I would appreciate it if he could wash his hands whenever he used the bathroom. He said "Um ok." So I said "Thank you."

    Then tonight, I couldn't help but notice he bought 2 things of hand soap. IS MY GIANT CONTAINER OF SOAP NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU?

    You know, I bet it's because he would rather his hands be cherry-almond-vanilla-cucumber-melon-lavender-apples-and-cinnamon scented.

    Oh, no. I guessed wrong. Aloe vera... b-(
  • @august22baby Well hello fellow WA mommy. I'm over in Bremerton. :)
  • Ew when I'm in a public restroom and I'm washing my hands and I see a lady walk out of the stall and go towards the door ill go 'ew that's freaking disgusting!' Literally. Moms fault. Haha.
  • Lol. @leggs2011 If I had more balls, I'd do that. I'm not very confrontational. My mom is way too abrasive, so I guess I became the polar opposite. A happy medium would have been nice!
  • Its so funny to see their face, but sadly they usually run away instead of turning back around and washing their hands. If I see a kid I'll tell them to wash her hands. Or to use soap. Many kids don't use soap! They learn that from the parents
  • @leggs2011 Unfortunately true. Poor kids. :(

    Sucks that no one says, "Oh yeah, you're right. I just forgot," whenever you bring it to their attention. Doesn't matter if they really had no intent. They should know what's more embarrassing.

    Seriously, if I had the guts, anytime I saw someone trying to leave, I would say, "Oh, you don't wanna do that... A little kid was waiting for her mom a little while ago and took off her diaper. She smeared poop on EVERYTHING."
  • @August22baby. I'm from everett too!
  • Bahaha. :) try it one time. Feels good.
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