so freakin stressed

So I was in school for 13 hours, and Im 30 weeks pregnant. I dropped one of my classes (what I thought would be the easiest one) because my grade was a 56. So It dropped me to 10 hours. Now with those 10 hours I have Psychology, Biology (anatomy/physiology) Lecture & Lab, & College Algebra. In Psychology I have an 86 with 2 test and a project left, Biology Lecture a 59 with 3 test & a final, Biology Lab a 85 with 3 test left, and College Algebra a 92 with 3 test left. I HAVE to have a B in Biology Lecture and in order to get a flat 80 I have to atleast make a 95 on the next 3 test. I dont know how I will ever get that accomplished. Its so stressful, because when I take the test, it feels like I did great and then I bomb it. I just dont know what to do. I need this class in order to get into nursing school. I am just at a loss of what to do. And to top it off, I have a test in Lab tomorrow that I have been studying for all night. BD got home from work about 11 and had food with him. We have ALWAYS fed my dog from the table, but all of a sudden, my mother has gotten on this kick about not feeding her because she has 'rolls of fat' on her back. She is about 5 lbs, if that. And apparently he gave her one fry, and I tried to get her to go to bed with my mom & dad (Where she ALWAYS sleeps) and twenty minutes later, I hear her whining outside of my door. So I take her back down to my moms room, and she wasnt in there... So I figured she went out to smoke. I took Bella (the dog) down to her to ask why she wasnt in the bed with dad. My mom all out has a damn shit fit and tells me that she is MY responsibility since Justin (BD) continues to feed her (which my mom has NO proof of because she was already in bed when he got home) and she says that Bella wants to be with Justin because he feeds her and plays rough with her and she cant handle the whining anymore. She knows good and damn well I have this stupid test tomorrow that I would rather not fail, and didnt need this extra freakin stress on me. But then she goes on to tell me that she is now OUR responsibility- we can feed her and take her to the vet and she can sleep with us and when the baby comes to not ask for ANY help, since we cannot "abide by her rules." First off- I dont know who crapped in her dang cherrios this morning, but she DOESNT need to take it out on us-ESPECIALLY when we helped her finish her **over due** taxes this morning. Secondly- she knows that we are both bigger (I am overweight & 30 weeks & Justin is just over weight) and we sleep in a full size bed already squished with the two of us. We dont need a dog taking even more room when she has a dang Cali King. I am just beyond stressed and want to get out so bad- but anytime its brought up, she always says we will never make it & I dont need to be trying to move 30 weeks pregnant... But DAMN if I live her for much longer her unneeded BS is gonna cause me to go into preterm labor. UGHH. I just needed to get that off my chest I guess. BD doesnt know what to say to make it better, except itll be okay, and that just aggravates me more. >:-(

Sorry if you read all that for no reason. :/ ginormous vent over.


  • Holy hell someone totally pissed in her honey smaks :) god girl I feel for you!! Try and breathe just deep breathe and realize f her you are a grown woman with a baby soon :) good luck on your test!!!
  • Wow is all I got to say! I wanna see a pic of your "over weight" dog
  • For one...good luck on ur test! For two I just moved this weekend being 37 weeks so if u can afford it and want to move out do it! Don't let her negativity bring you down! :)
  • You can do it girl! Good luck :D
  • Well that sounds like quite the shit show. I moved across PROVINCES at 34 weeks. And yet again moved just this last weekend at 38 weeks preggo so Really its up to you! May even be moving again in the next few weeks to months. Good luck with your tests! Try not to stress about what you cant change is my best advice
  • @Beardreams @clope @brttnywstn14 @Mylittleman2011 Thanks for all the positive stuff! :)

    @Proudmommy8789 - Ill take a picture and post it here, she really isnt "overweight" at all. But whatever :)

    But the hell continues to break lose. :/ I called her after my test today to tell her how it went. We do our lab test in stations and after the first time through all the stations I felt like I did pretty good, but then he made us go back through them because some people didnt get all the blanks filled. So as we are going through them I start second guessing myself and I told her that and she says that is why you need to study. Like I dont study my ASS off as it is. So I was like what do you think Im doing when I say I am studying? and she says FB. (mind you, I have abook and notecards that I study by) so we bicker back and forth about this for a little and it gets dropped. So she says "whats your plans for the day?" I said "when I get home, Im gonna eat lunch and I guess ride with justin (BD) to Suz's (her best friends house) so he knows where to put the furniture youre giving her" and he response was "Why cant he go alone?" Keep in mind, he has lived in ATL with me for about 2 months now, and NEVER been to this ladies house, so he has NO CLUE where to go. I wouldnt make him go alone even if he did know where he was going, because that would just be awkward. SO she continues to bitch about how we have done nothing this week, ( I have had school All week and that stupid test to study for and he has worked late night shifts) So I say, "what have you done with work??" She works from home & she had the nerve to say You and Justin kept me from working. How the HELL have we kept you from working, I have either been in school or studying. So she says lets NOT point fingers and just move on. GAH I hate living her & want to move out so bad! She constantly bitches about what we should and shouldnt do, when she is doing the SAME EXACT SHIT day in and day out. And to top it all off, she is trying to design my nursey, which I am doing in Winnie the Pooh. I understand her wanting to help and greatly appreciate it, but she is more or less taking over. Anything Justin and I say we like she says ehh. I didnt ask for your freakin opinion. It is MY child and I will do the nursery how I want it. grrrrr One day I will have enough money to move out. maybe.
  • aw girl im sorry!! i so glad i dont live close to my family! when i first found out what i was having! they asked me what im going to do her room! i told them zebra print, hot pink, and lime and cute skulls here and there!
  • @Proudmommy8789 I wish I didnt. I was three hours away when I found out I was pregnant. Then my mother made me move home because "I couldnt make it on my own since I am ONLY 19" ergh, I wish I had of listened to BD & His mom. That sounds ADORABLE (even BD agrees) and he NEVER agrees with me!! (:
  • her dresser is black with zebra print knobs that i painted. i dont have the picture on my phone anymore but ill take one in the morning



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