25 Weeks & Lots of Cervix Pressure

edited February 2011 in Second Trimester
So I'm exactly 25 weeks today, & my little one is pushing, punching, and kicking my cervix. She's done it really fairly constantly, but today it's really uncomfortable, at some times to the point of being painful for a moment. I've heard this can be a sign of early labour. Does anyone know if this is true or not?!
It's waaayyy too early for me to go into labour, so I'm really worried.
Any advice and/or reassurance is appreciated.


  • As long as your not bleeding having contractions or constant pain you just have a really.wriggly baby try and just find a.position to get comfy in and if baby is really hurting you go on all 4s that will give baby more room to move so baby will hopefully stop kicking where it hurts.
  • thanks @tammy
    im at work right now, so Im not sure I can get onto all fours...but if she keeps this up, i might just have to...it's not feeling good at all!
    No blood or contractions, thank goodness..
  • That's a good thing if it does get to the point of really bad pain get checked out there is no harm and they might be able to suggest other things to help you get more comftable
  • I have the same issue! I will be 25 weeks on Sunday and there are times it literally feels like he is trying to kick his foot out of my gina and it does have a sharp twinging painful feeling most times. He also kicks around everywhrre else but when its like that its like: oww is thhat normal?

    On top of that i lost about a teaspoon of my mucus plug two night last ago.
    I havent thought of or heard it being an early labor sign... but now that u bring it to my attention I'm more worried and cautious. We seem to have some similair symptoms and we r excatly same gestatoinal age.
    we should keep updated i would be curious to know if u soon experience mucus plug loss.
    I also have strong and often braxton hicks contractions that seem to be getting stronger and tighter every day. You?
  • @babyboyontheway I think we're pregnant soul mates haha

    I'm sorry to worry you. I try and google things prior to coming on here. (I'm a first time mommy, so I have fear of looking stupid on here haha) and there were a couple websites that warned that it CAN be a sign of labour...cause I hear ya. It feels like she's kicking her way out!!
    I haven't lost my plug... yet...but hearing you have makes me worry now too. I know this will be TMI but I am used to having as lot of discharge...and now Im not having any??
  • and I don't know if Ive been getting braxton hicks or not...Im unsure how they feel?!
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  • oh okay that makes me feel better. thanks @uncaffeinated_katie !!
  • I also have always had what i thought was a lot of discharge since junior high but gyno never seemed concerned so Idk..

    But when i lost the mucus i was in the shower squatting down because i was shaving down there and i see this green booger stuff going down the drain an I'm like omg wtf? It literally looked like green snot like when u have a cold, and had a few sreaks of brown. So that's what to look for. Like myself, u will definitley notice the difference from regular discharge.
    And I'm also a first timer so i immediately called my ob's after hours answering service and she said its not common to lose it this early but unless its followed by cramps/contractions and blood to just relax and stay home.
    A close friend who has 5 kiddos and pregnant with #6 (i know omg! Lol) said its just our bodies getting ready to have baby.
    .so it could be a early labor sign :/ but she didn't sound worried.

    As for braxton hicks- it feels like your abdomen getting very tight as if u are holding yourself in a crunchie or sit up position and lasts like maybe 15 seconds, but it shouldnt hurt...i think thts the difference between labor contractions and braxton hicks practice contractions.
  • oh man, are you taking it easy now?! I haven't lost my plug yet, but by that description I'm sure I'll know when I lose it!!

    Oh, okay. I always had the understanding that braxton hicks was painful..I have had some of them over the past week or so. Where its like, tight, and uncomfortable to sit down with my back up straight.

    Haha your close friend is a brave brave woman haha. I'm not so sure I could go thru this again!!

    whens your due dae @babyboyontheway ??
  • Well that's kind of a tricky question. According to my lmp I'm due june 11 and am going to be 25 weeks on sunday. However i believe that what i thought was my last period was actually implantation bleeding so that puts me about 4 weeks ahead.
    And i also am i high risk pregnancy so early labor is highly likely for me. If i had to guess i think he will be here 2nd or 3rd week of may maybe 4th week id be shocked tho.

    And because of my high risk I've been trying to take it easy but i just moved into my new house and had to do it ALL on my own i didn't have anyone to help me move so i was packing and lifting boxes and unpacking n putting away, and i dont have a man of the house anymore for the first time in 5 years so i have to do everything on my ownand i know its really not good but what am i supposed to do? Sit around and have nothing get done? U know what i mean? That's how i have to explain myself when people say U SHOULDNT BE HANGING YOUR 15 LB MIRRORS or WHY DID U SHOVEL THE DRIVEWAY IN YOUR CONDITION? because i have to pull my car out duh!! Lol
    So to answer the ? No I'm not excatly taking it easy which could be why I'm showing signs of early labor. :/
  • Oh dear. I wish I could help ya out m'dear. I've been very lucky with having family around to help take care of those things. But I 100% know what you mean. You gotta get stuff done. Heck there's times when I'm home alone, and I just have the urge to do stuff & don't really think about being pregnant...isn't that terrible!!

    Ah, well I sincerely hope you don't go into labour too early...I'm hoping mine is early...I'm sick of being pregnant lol
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