will someone tell me the pros and cons of not having a carrier plz :)

I bought recaro convertable carseat. Well its not a carrier. Do I really need a carrier??? If I don't can you set a infant in a stroller with it being comfortable? I'm thinking about just getting a stroller instead of a travel system.


  • I have to found that having a carrier is so easy when they r newborns until about 6the months of age. Bc u can get them in their seat and all ready b4 u hd outside into the elements, also going in and out of sgtores u can just grab the seat and go, either attach it to the stroller or set it in the cart. And some hospital wont let u leave w/o 1st cking car seat in rm w baby in it and also when u get in car they reck fit and security of the seat.
    But this has juust been my experience btw I have 3 and #4 is on the way.
  • edited October 2011
    Oh ok the carseat I got its a convertible and very expensive. 5lbs to 30 rear facing 30+ was foward. So its just best to buy travel system for that just incase. My hubby was dead set on the carseat since its deals with his love of cars. I knew when buying it. I wasn't going to be able to take it out like I could carrier. I was thinking they have infant seats on most buggies now. Are all strollers infant compatible??? @3girls_0boys
  • W my 2nd daugther I had to move her into a convertible carseat @ 4 months bc she out grew weight and length on the infant seat. My other 2 daughters were able to stay in the infant carrier until a yr.
    U r rt that most buggies have infant seats on them but I have a phoba about using things like that bc u never know what germs r out there.
    Not totally sure on the strollers haven't really used one w/o the infant seat. Sorry I can't b more of a help w that.
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  • With my son I used my travel system for the first 3 mos. Till I discovered baby wearing. My car seat got way too heavy to lug around. It wrecked my back. I stil use a travel system with this kid, but I do my shopping etc. With baby strapped to my chest. So much easier. She stays asleep/happy and I don't have to deal with a heavy car seat. I do love having my travel system for between my house n car and to take bitty baby on walks in her stroller. Being so little, the car seat seems way more comfy and I like her facing me the first month or so.
  • Last time I had a carrier seat and hated it, I mostly just wore her in a front pack in stores and things. The carrier seat was handy for going out to dinner though. So this time, I thought I would just get a reg seat and not worry about the carrier. However, the closer it got to my due date, the more I started thinking that with 2 kids and my oldest in a few activities, I would need somewhere to set the baby during ballet classes. And since I'll have a winter baby this time, it will be super annoying trying to get her in and out of her coat thing to put her in a sling. Plus, we can't park in our garage and I don't want to stand out in the rain or the snow to strap her in.

    It all ended up being moot for me though because my car ended being too small for the other car seat and I had to get an infant seat.
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