oh my word

My mother is crazy! She just called to tell me she is moving in three weeks out of my parents house. My very mentally ill uncle threatens her and she's scarred to be in her house. (ok fine I get it) what pisses me off is when she tells me how I feel about it and how she knows who I'll choose then takes some decision I made in the past oh twenty years and uses it as guilt and or some F-ed up logic (I'm 25) I'm the worse daughter because I didn't go get her 20 things from costco list yesterday because she called me and told me never mind I can't afford it. (my mother had no idea that we are trying to get pregnant or even that we have a lot of money put into it) so saving money is a priority I can't just pick up the slack for her.
She has always been dramatic especially when something important is happening like a baby shower she had to be center of attention so vent over ugh


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