Got checked yesterday....still bleeding

edited October 2011 in First time moms
I am 37 + 4 and my dr checked me yesterday and warned me I might spot a little but I bled all day yesterday and I am still bleeding today. Anyone else bleed after getting checked? I was only a fingertip dialated *sigh* but she did set an induction date!!


  • I bled the next day to. I was also a fingertip.. But that was six weeks ago
  • Oh no!!! When are u due?
  • Not til nov 8th.. Im 36 weeks right now. I have a doc appt today and they are going to check me. Im really curious to see where im at.. Im thinking october baby.
  • Yeah october babies!! :-) I'm due nov 1st but they are inducing me oct 26th because I have gd and my dr says there is a risk of stillbirth if they let me carry any longer than that. I would be really happy with next week though lol!
  • I got checked yesterday and I'm still bleeding to. I was only 1 cm and that's where i was a week ago too. Bummer: (
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