telling your children...

edited February 2011 in Parenting
My daughter is 6, she has been asking for a sibling for 2 years. It took us more than a year to conceive, and I don't want to go through the excitement of telling her the big news, for something to happen in my pregnancy later and have to explain to her what happened. How long should I wait before telling her she is going to finally be a big sister?


  • After your first trimester would be a good time, your chances of miscarry are much lower then. I had several mcs, and didn't tell the kids about this baby till i was 9 weeks. Dad couldn't wait to spill the beans, but i was afraid, too. So far everything looks good, im 23 weeks now.
  • Congratulations. Her birthday is at the end of March. I'll be around 12 weeks by then, it will be a great birthday present. I'm just so excited about telling her.
  • Yeah! She will be so excited! My son was the same way. He asked me for a little sister since he was two, and three years later, he got one. He even wanted to be in the delivery room, but that was when H1N1 was common, so the hospital wouldn't even let him through the front doors.
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