dont know whats going on!?!??

edited October 2011 in First time moms
Every now and then my 2 month old son projectile vomits. Doctor said its nothing serious unless he can never keep anything down.?? Whats wrong???


  • He might be,eating to much at one time
  • My daughter had this. It would happen so suddenly. She would give me this weird "uh oh" look on her face then it would spray everywhere. I felt so sorry for her whenever it happened. Turns out she was allergic to her milk. She never cried when she got it but her entire body would break out into hives. She had to get lactose free formula. I didnt give her cow milk until she was almost 2. I just kept her on Soy and she loved it. Shes fine now wuth whole milk but she couldnt digest the lactose when she was younger. Maybe it is something different for your son but this can be something to think about
  • Oh yeah and it happened when she was around 2 months
  • One more thing. I am lactose intolerant but when I was pregnant with her my body allowed me to drink milk with no problem. Idk if this had anything to do with it.
  • One more thing. I am lactose intolerant but when I was pregnant with her my body allowed me to drink milk with no problem. Idk if this had anything to do with it.
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