when did your baby smile??

edited October 2011 in Babies "First's"
My daughter will be 10 weeks old tomorrow and has only given me a little smile twice. All she does is cry and I can't put her down for more than 30 seconds or she has a fit.(unless she's asleep). I feel like she's just miserable and I'm terrified something is wrong with her. I tried zantac and it did nothing so I know she doesn't have reflux. She was 4 1/2 wks early so Idk if that has anything to do with it.:(


  • My son is 5 weeks and he's given about 4 intentional smiles...
  • Just a question on the zantac...how long did u try it? My doc says can take 4days to get in system enough to notice a difference..just curious @starrxoxo9
  • Hopes been smiling since she was a few days! An she smiles all the time, especially at daddy! She does this funny giggling noise too but I don't think its an actual giggle!
  • @mnbaby3 we tried it for 3. That's what her pediatrician said to do.
  • He was about four weeks now he smiles several times out the day no laughs yet
  • edited October 2011
    He started smiling when he was 3 days old and he smiles everyday several times a day. He was 3 1/2 weeks early.
  • :( now I feel worse!! My poor girl..
  • My son is a week old & smiles a lot of the time while hes falling asleep.
  • Mine started smiling at 5 weeks. When I play with her she just smiles n smiles.
    Some babies dont smile for a while. I was breast feeding and she wasnt getting enough so she was hungry n crabby so I suplement with bottles and shes so happy now. Do u breast feed?
  • edited October 2011
    Hey Hun haven't heard from u in a while. :) mine smiles when she is played with but other than that nothing and she cries unless up and around too well sleeping is a joke she only can sleep in her swing have u tried tummy time 4 times a day is what the doc told me to do maybe it will get her used to u not being there all the time I'm somewhat lost myself thiugh
  • I wouldn't worry, i think you would know if she was unhappy. Anyway babies only start to properly smile from 5 weeks, before then it is just wind. My little one is 6 weeks and only has smiles for daddy!
  • A few hours after birth. We were all surprised but she's been doing it ever since and even has been laughing at 2 weeks! All this is being done intentionally. She's so fun to watch her expressions.
  • Baby monkey smiled intentionally at 3 weeks and laughed at 4.. The first laugh was when I got out my boob to feed her :-).


    Some babies are just fussy hot messes. Its ok, its not your fault. You're doing the right thing by trying to see if its reflux and being concerned, but its not your fault. It can be frustrating to have a crying baby, but your a great mom! Usually fussy babies grow out of it, but it can take a while, sometimes up to a year. Keep your spirits up mom! Soon you two will be having brighter days!
  • 4-6 weeks (or 44-46 gestation) is typical developmentally for babies to mimic facial expressions like smiles...before that, smiles are usually indicative of gas or just facial spasims (sp?)
  • @momof22be that's pretty much how she is too, minus the smiles. And she hates her swing lol. Sleep isn't too bad but she sleeps with me. I guess she's just a mommys girl?
  • @babymamma18 yea I breastfeed. Sometimes she'll take a bottle after but not very often.

    @mazdaz yea but she's 10wks

    @beccI aww how cute :) and thanks I needed to hear that

    @math_mommy well she was 4 1/2 wks early, so maybe she's behind a little?
  • Since she is technically a preemie, you should age-adjust for developmental milestones. Meaning, use her due date to calculate her "age" in regard to those milestones for the first year (they say one year for every month early). Since she was so close to term, she may just do everything on time or early according to her actual age!
  • My daughter has been smiling since she was 2 days old, still in the hospital lol, she smiles everyday, mostly if I talk to her or make baby sounds lol
  • Since she was 3 weeks. She's 9 weeks now & is constantly smiling and even laughs now. She's such a happy baby
  • She must be lol maybe it has to do with bf I am too :)
  • @momof22b I was warned by the head lc at the hospital where I delivered my first that bfed babies tend to be fussier than formula fed babies because breastmilk is more digestable (ible?) than formula. Meaning, it leaves the stomache faster leaving baby not as full for as long and making baby get hungrier/fussier faster. On the bright side, this is the same reason bfing is better prevention againt obesity and diabetes later on (formula fed babies have their stomaches streched out during infancy, and therefore require more food to feel full as children and adults).
  • i felt the same way my son ia two montha and hes also a cry baby he just recently just startwd smileling about 2weeks ago but the crying is still the same smh
  • My baby smiles wheb sleeping and just now starting to when shes up
  • edited October 2011
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  • My baby is 7 weeks and we have to work pretty hard to get a LITTLE smile. He's a pretty serious guy. I'm glad to hear there is another baby out there that doesn't smile often either.
  • @shae yea she mostly just furrows her brow like she's confused lol
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